7/28/2024 Nancy Wardell Millersburg Food Run 10K Millersburg, Ohio


Millersburg Food Run 10K

Millersburg, Ohio

Nancy Wardell

Finish Time:  1:02:24

Overall Place:  10th Place / 18

Division Place:  4th Place Overall Female And 1st Place In Division

Race Recap By Nancy Wardell:

I completed the Millersburg Food Run 10k this morning in Millersburg, Ohio and can’t praise this race enough! I’ve done the 5k and 10k here for several years and they always give out tons of goodies, free raffles, awesome gift cards for placing, and the volunteers are so amazing and kind! I placed 4th female overall and 1st in my age group with a time of 1:02:24 and pace of 10:03 which I’m absolutely happy with! The course was flat but some of the long stretches had no shade so I just wanted to pace myself! I got a $10 gift card to subway and way too many other goodies! Very fun race!

7/27/2024 Asad Khan, Brittany Kiehl, Christine Churpek, George McFall, Josh Keane, Kristi Quesenberry Gunyula, Laura Fairfax, Lisa Keane, Mike Williams, Renee Buckus, Roy Miller, Russ Neubert, Stephanie Orwick, Terri Bednar, And Veronica Neubert Burning River 100 Relay Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.


The Burning River 100 Mile Relay

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

Team What’s In A Name:

Christine Churpek

Finish Time:  18:32:10

Overall Place:  27th Place / 73

Division Place:  15th Place / 48

Team Run Like A Mother

Asad Khan
Renee Buckus

Finish Time:  18:55:00

Overall Place:  28th Place / 73

Division Place:  16th Place / 48

Team Hot Mess Express 2

Kristi Quesenberry Gunyula

Finish Time:  20:40:21

Overall Place:  45th Place / 73

Division Place:  5th Place / 10

Team ER

Brittany Kiehl
George McFall
Josh Keane
Lisa Keane
Mike Williams
Roy Miller
Terri Bendar
Veronica Neubert

Finish Time:  20:55:24

Overall Place:  49th Place / 73

Division Place:  29th Place / 48


Russ Neubert Provided course support and took pictures for Team ER.
Christine Churpek and Stephani Orwick helped at the NWB Run Club aid station.

Race Recap By Asad Khan:

The Burning River 100 Relay does not disappoint! I had a fun time running Leg 5 of the relay for my RLAM team and slogged through 10.4 miles (more running miles than I am really equipped to handle)! Our team did awesome with an under 19 hour finish!!

Race Recap By Lisa Keane:

The Burning River 2024 100 mile – 8 Person Relay was super organized & well supported endurance race on a well marked course w/ a variety of distances & terrain!  This was the 1st year that anyone on our team has participated in this race and while we all had our challenges (from heat to horses to roots), we all agreed that we are absolutely going to do this again next year!
What an amazing day with this amazing team!  Congratulations TEAM ER!  WE DID IT!

Race Recap By George McFall:

My first Burning River Endurance Run & Relay is in the books. I was part of the Team-ER 100 mile relay team that included Veronica Judith, Mike Williams, Lisa Keane, Josh Keane, Brittany Kiehl, Terri Bednar, and Roy Miller. The relay started at 7am on Saturday on Front Street in Cuyahoga Falls. Our first runner was Terri followed by Veronica, Josh, Lisa, Brittany, Mike, Roy and me. My exchange point was at Chestnut Lodge (formerly known as as Mingo Lodge). Mile 88.7. It was cool watching Roy come up the last stretch before the lodge, Quick pic then off I went. I started around 2am. I had a goal of finishing my leg in under 2 hours but wasn’t sure what to expect so I took what the course gave me. I walked up the steep inclines and took the downhills and flats as fast as I could without risking a fall. I surprised myself. Embraced the run and had fun. I had a few road sections so I took full advantage of that to pick up the pace. I crossed the finish line at mile 100.55 in 1:55:42. Our total team time was 20:55:42. We did it!!! I had such a great experience and enjoyed supporting my teammates. Even though I only ran 12 of the 100 mile course, I still got emotional as I approached the finish line. Celebrate the wins!!! I loved seeing some of the Team ER crew at the finish line. Thanks for sticking around to watch me finish. The course was well marked. This took some stress out of the run. The two aid stations I ran through were awesome!! Thanks to all of the volunteers. You rock!!! I am already looking forward to doing it again next year — but might do the marathon distance or 50 miler. We’ll see. Congratulations to all the finishers! You inspire me and so many.

Race Recap By Veronica Neubert:

What absolutely awesome day! I was so nervous to do this race and it turns out, I had an absolute blast!
Thank you to Terri for organizing, coordinating and encouraging everyone!  Thank you to Russ Neubert for coordinating and course support!
Great job Terri, Josh, Lisa, Brittany, Mike, Roy, and George l! #ohioteamer  It was an honor to be a part of this team!
Already looking forward to next year!

Race Review By Renee Buckus:

Burning River 2024 – the year Maeve’s mom felt strong as hell and toughed out some not-so-pleasant conditions (otherwise known as 10.5 miles of uphill in 87 degree heat). My third time running this series and hopefully a race that I’ll continue to come back to every year!  (Also, still haven’t seen any rivers on fire so next year… I start my own)

Race Recap By Mike Williams:

What a great time I had last night running the 18th Annual Burning River Endurance Run & Relay. Leg 6 was awesome. I started out at Kendal Lake in twilight and finished up at The valley picnic area in the dark. A lot of tree roots, old wooden steps, and mixed trails.

Race Recap By Roy Miller:

The Burning River 8 person was more of an unknown than any race I have done. I was torn somewhere between super excited and oddly nervous about running a leg of this crazy race. Let me start off by saying this is the first real trail race I have done and probably only the second time running any trails in my life. It should be known that the first time was a few weeks ago with my teammate George. That run was in the morning and had plenty of light to see all the terrain. I only fell twice (remember my first trail run). I started leg 7 of the relay at 11:00 PM. Needless to say there was nothing but pitch black darkness. I met Mike at the transition point and got a great starting picture. I hit the headlamp, started RaceJoy and up the trail I went. The trail isn’t super technical in the beginning and my legs felt fantastic. Within the first mile I realized I didn’t start my watch correctly so I was already behind on knowing where I was mileage wise. Then the 1st root monster grabbed my right foot and down I went. Not exactly what I was hoping for. This was already making me nervous about staying on my feet. I ended up falling 4 times and that was really frustrating. The course is really well marked and I never had a problem navigation so that was a win. I met up with several amazing trail runners and made a few friends in the process. The camaraderie on the course is amazing. I used the road sections to pick up the pace and decided if I could keep my overall pace better than 13:00 per mile I would be satisfied. The best part of the entire race was at about mile 11 (of 14.4 miles) I was in the middle of the trail with no other runners anywhere near me. I decided to stop for a second, turned off my music and my headlamp and just listened to all the nature around me. It was so surreal to be a part of that environment. I used it as a moment to re-center myself and off to meet with George to let him get us to the finish line. Got off the trail and had a new sense of security about being able to stride my way to the end of the leg. I met with George and got a finish picture of my leg and his start.
I think trail racing will become one of those things that I may have to embrace as I am already contemplating the marathon distance next year.

Race Recap By Josh Keane:

What an adventure with Team ER!! Thank you to the most awesome team mates George Mc Fly, Roy Miller, Mike Williams, Brittany Kiehl, Lisa Keane, Veronica Judith, and Terri Bednar! You are the best and put in an outstanding effort! This race was on my list for a very long time and I was happy to be able to get out there with my team and run the relay. The course was fantastic, the aid stations were well stocked and the volunteers were great. As always the ultra marathon community shines as the best group of people on the planet and it was fun race. Looking forward to running this again with our team next year and continuing my running journey with shared adventures!! Sorry I missed the expo and pre race dinner! Let’s try to make that happen and get a pic of the whole team next year.

Race Recap By Brittany Kiehl:

It is a very organized and well supported endurance race with a variety of distances and surfaces. The course was fantastic showcasing many beautiful areas of the CVNP. The aid stations were well stocked and the volunteers were so friendly.

7/27/2024 Scott Orlando USCA Ohio State Canoe, Kayak, And Paddle Board Championships Fairport Harbor, Ohio.


USCA Ohio State Canoe, Kayak, And Paddle Board Championships

Fairport Harbor, Ohio

Scott Orlando

5 Mile Race Kayak Race

Finish Time:  54:09

Overall Place:  4th Place Overall Solo Kayak

Division Place:  3rd Place Unlimited Class

Race Recap By Scott Orlando:

This was my 5th time competing in the USCA Ohio State Canoe, Kayak, and Paddle Board Championships held on the Grand River in Fairport Harbor, Ohio.  I haven’t been able to compete in this race for the last few years do to schedule conflicts so I was excited to get back to this race to compete for a state championship.

This event features a 5 mile and 10 mile race and I once again chose to compete in the 5 mile race.  The race conditions were very good with temperatures in the 70’s with a slight breeze and very calm river conditions.  It did warm up quickly but the the weather was not a factor in the 5 mile race.  The 10 mile race which was an hour or so after the the 5 mile race did have to deal with hot temperatures and increased winds.

I debated heavily between racing my Stellar SR Multisport in the unlimited  class or my Steller S18S Multisport in the 18′ and under class.  The 18′ and under class looked more crowded and included the fastest paddler at the race.  Wanting to paddle for a gold medal I entered the unlimited class.  Just before the race started I learned that the fastest paddler switched to the unlimited class.  I almost switched myself to the 18′ and under class but decided just to race unlimited.  From the start of the race the fastest paddler now in my class and another paddler also in my class shot to the front of the race field and were gone.  A mile into the race I knew there was no chance of catching them and I was paddling for 3rd place.  After a loop through a marina and crossing back across the start / finish area I found myself in a nice position surrounded by several of the 18′ and under class paddlers and a couple of tandem canoes.  We were all drafting off of each other and in a tight pack.  One of the tandem canoes that was directly in front of me kept cutting me off moving into my line wherever I went on the river.  I was getting a little annoyed so I finally passed the canoe.  That same canoe then got directly on my stern and hit my kayak several times which was getting frustrating.  I finally pulled far enough in front that I got free of canoe.

Making it to the half way turnaround point another kayak, canoe, and myself all hit the turn to round the buoy at the same time.  The other kayak had the inside line and verbalized to the canoe who was in the middle that she was going inside on the turn.  I then let the canoe know I was going outside giving them the middle line.  The canoe didn’t turn well and headed straight to the river bank forcing me the same direction.  I had to stop paddling and correct my position which cost me a lot of time.  The kayaks I had been paddling with gained a lot of ground on me thanks to the canoe.  I spent the next mile pushing hard to regain my position and finally caught up to them.  With a mile to go one of the kayaks slowed and I was able to pass it.  Heading to the finish I was able to outsprint another kayak and a tandem canoe to the finish line.

I was well behind the other two kayakers in my class who ended up being the fastest two finishing 1st and 2nd overall in the 5 mile race.  I managed to finish 4th overall placing 3rd in the unlimited division earning a bronze medal with a time of 54:09.  Although I was hoping to win a state title my goal was to leave the race with a medal which I did.  The paddler that won the 5 mile race is a national champion and he went on to win the 10 mile race as well.  The paddler that place 2nd in the 5 mile race also competed in the 10 mile race placing 3rd overall so these guys were extremely fast good paddlers.

The race was well organized.  Paddlers received very nicely designed t-shirts and there were plenty of snacks and food for paddlers refueling between races.  Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with the race.   It was great to see all of my  Performance Kayak teammates and other kayak friends.   I really enjoy this race and look forward to competing in it again next year.