9/1/2024 Nancy Wardell Memorial 5K Dover, Ohio


Memorial 5K

Dover, Ohio

Nancy Wardell

Finish Time:  27:25

Overall Place:  6th Place / 24

Division Place:  2nd Overall Female

Race Recap by Nancy Wardell:

I completed the 2024 Memorial 5k run in Dover this morning! It was a nice course with only a couple hills along the way and mostly in the grass going around the Dover Middle School’s baseball fields, pond, and football field. I finished at 27:25 with a pace of 8:50. I was second female overall and 6th to finish the race.  It was a small turn out.  They didn’t have an award ceremony for this race, which is fine because I’m just very happy with my time!


8/31/2024 Brittany Kiehl Minnehaha 5K Peninsula, Ohio


Minnehaha 5K

Peninsula, Ohio

Brittany Kiehl

Finish Time:  48:59

Overall Place:  68th Place / 91

Division Place:  5th Place / 10

Race Recap By Brittany Kiehl:

The Minnehaha 5K was my first trail race since 2017. (I slipped and fell hard in the mud and lost my shoe so I swore I’d never do trail races again.) I decided to try to give trail races another chance. This race was a fun challenge on a beautiful course at Camp Manatoc. There were quite a few hills with one giant hill at the end that seemed to last forever. The course also took you past the Minnehaha Falls. The swag was your choice of a travel coffee mug, water bottle, or a pint cup. They also had a 15K or half marathon option. You could do both the 5K and then race the Leave No Trace Half Marathon. Overall, a great experience.

8/31/2024 Josh Keane And Lisa Keane Tuscazoar Endurance Race Dover, Ohio


Tuscazoar Endurance Race

Dover, Ohio

50 Mile Trail Race

Josh Keane

Finish Time:  15:12:10

Overall Place:  32nd Place / 95

Division Place:  9th Place /18

25 Mile Trail Race

Lisa Keane:

Finish Time:  7:16:14

Overall Place:  41st Place / 77

Division Place:  6th Place / 12

Race Recap By Josh Keane:

The Tuscazoar 100 was the toughest 50 miles I have ever run on trails but I loved every step! I had so much fun running the first 25 mile loop with Lisa Keane and then soaked up an awesome 25 mile loop in the dark. Great scenic trails with fun themed aid stations in the day. At night it is incredible to see the headlamps of other runners across the river or above and below your elevation. Excellent and fun aid stations that cannot be beat. I finished 9th out of 18 in my age group and 32 out of 95 for the 50 mile race. Great race that is definitely on my hit list for 2025!

Race Recap By Lisa Keane:

When I think “trail race”, this is exactly what comes to mind!  Beautiful technical trails complete with all the mining history of this former Boy Scout camp.
This is the toughest course I have ever run in Ohio and with the changes to this years course, it was 95% trail including a quick trip to our very own Keane’s River Ranch property!  25 miles and 3300’ elevation in 90 degree heat and over the top humidity.  I thought my brain was going to catch on fire! I finished 6th in my age group of 12 so right in the middle.

This is the hardest I have pushed since my surgery and I still have a long way to go but happy to be out there with you all!  Congratulations to all of the finishers! Let’s do it again next year!

8/31/2024 Rick Wise And Asad Khan NOMBS & OGRS McLain Farm Adventure Race Irondale, Ohio


NOMBS & OGRS McLain Farm Adventure Race

Irondale, Ohio

20 Mile Bike Race

Men’s Cat 3 Novice 50+

Rick Wise

Finish Time:  1:37:52

Overall Place:  1st Place / 5

Asad Khan

Finish Time:  1:59:20

Overall Place:  2nd Place / 5

Race Recap By Rick Wise:

It was great to have Asad Khan join me at the most recent round of the NOMBS mountain bike race series yesterday. It was a crossover event with the Ohio Gravel Race Series and was actually more of a gravel race. It was a tough course of about 20 miles with several long climbs averaging about 10% grade. We got soaked by downpours during the race, but overall had a blast. Thanks Asad Khan for joining me for an epic day!