Mandel JCC Indoor Triathlon And Biathlon
Beachwood, OH
Josh Keane
Finish Distance: 15.38 Miles
Overall Place: 1st Place / 11
Lisa Keane
Finish Distance: 11.89. Miles
Overall Place: 63rd Place / 110
Division Place: 4th Place
Race Recap By Lisa Keene:
I absolutely LOVE this race! Super organized and family friendly- this race is So. Much. Fun!
Tons of friendly volunteers. All athletes have full use of their beautiful facility including locker rooms, lockers and showers.
Easy directions and tons of parking. Easy packet pick up, with pre assigned heats.
The pool is located right off of the locker room and you swim 2 to a lane (I got lucky and had my own) for 15 minutes to get as many laps as you can. I did the front crawl and earned 22 laps! 10 minute transition doesn’t sound like a lot but I was able to shower off the chlorine and change into my land clothes before heading to the gym with plenty of time. 20 minutes on the stationary bike to get as much distance as possible. You were allowed to play with the resistance this year and my strategy went out the window as I fluctuated between 1 -7 and I ended up with 4.72 miles
The bike area is the main hub with music, an MC, and all the snacks! 5 minute transition to catch your breath and change your shoes before you walk upstairs to the indoor track. The indoor track is open air above the lower gym and bike area allowing you to see and hear all the action. 20 minute run to get as many laps as you can. I was happy to get 27 laps / 2.33 miles today!
All athletes received a nice soft cotton shirt and water bottle. Overall and age group award winners will be determined once all heats are completed and awards will be mailed. I will definitely do this one again!
Race Recap By Josh Keane:
The Mandel JCC Indoor Triathlon and Biathlon was a lot of fun again this year. This is the second time that we have done this even and both times we had a great time. The facility is spectacular and all of the folks that work there were extremely nice and helpful. The stationary bikes were brand new and extremely comfortable. The indoor track is upstairs and it is 12 laps to a mile. I did the biathlon but did go in to watch Lisa Keane for her swimming portion and the pool is really nice as well. The cotton shirt is nice and they also gave each participant a nice hand towel as well. There was a nice area in the gym where the bike portion is heals where they had water, coffee, bagels, granola bars, oranges, bananas and pretzels. They also have a team relay option available so if anyone is interested next year you can have a relay team to divide and conquer the three portions of the tri. Not sure of prizes, but I was able to win first place in the biathlon with 7.16 miles on the bike as well as 39 laps in the run. This event is an absolute blast and I am sure that we will be attending next year!