2/23/2025 Josh Keane And Lisa Keane Mandel JCC Indoor Triathlon And Biathlon Beachwood, OH


Mandel JCC Indoor Triathlon And Biathlon

Beachwood, OH


Josh Keane

Finish Distance:  15.38 Miles

Overall Place:  1st Place / 11


Lisa Keane

Finish Distance: 11.89. Miles

Overall Place: 63rd Place / 110

Division Place:  4th Place

Race Recap By Lisa Keene:

I absolutely LOVE this race! Super organized and family friendly- this race is So. Much. Fun!
Tons of friendly volunteers. All athletes have full use of their beautiful facility including locker rooms, lockers and showers.
Easy directions and tons of parking. Easy packet pick up, with pre assigned heats.

The pool is located right off of the locker room and you swim 2 to a lane (I got lucky and had my own) for 15 minutes to get as many laps as you can. I did the front crawl and earned 22 laps! 10 minute transition doesn’t sound like a lot but I was able to shower off the chlorine and change into my land clothes before heading to the gym with plenty of time. 20 minutes on the stationary bike to get as much distance as possible. You were allowed to play with the resistance this year and my strategy went out the window as I fluctuated between 1 -7 and I ended up with 4.72 miles
The bike area is the main hub with music, an MC, and all the snacks! 5 minute transition to catch your breath and change your shoes before you walk upstairs to the indoor track. The indoor track is open air above the lower gym and bike area allowing you to see and hear all the action. 20 minute run to get as many laps as you can. I was happy to get 27 laps / 2.33 miles today!

All athletes received a nice soft cotton shirt and water bottle. Overall and age group award winners will be determined once all heats are completed and awards will be mailed. I will definitely do this one again!

Race Recap By Josh Keane:

The Mandel JCC Indoor Triathlon and Biathlon was a lot of fun again this year. This is the second time that we have done this even and both times we had a great time. The facility is spectacular and all of the folks that work there were extremely nice and helpful. The stationary bikes were brand new and extremely comfortable. The indoor track is upstairs and it is 12 laps to a mile. I did the biathlon but did go in to watch Lisa Keane for her swimming portion and the pool is really nice as well. The cotton shirt is nice and they also gave each participant a nice hand towel as well. There was a nice area in the gym where the bike portion is heals where they had water, coffee, bagels, granola bars, oranges, bananas and pretzels. They also have a team relay option available so if anyone is interested next year you can have a relay team to divide and conquer the three portions of the tri. Not sure of prizes, but I was able to win first place in the biathlon with 7.16 miles on the bike as well as 39 laps in the run. This event is an absolute blast and I am sure that we will be attending next year!

2/23/2025 Kelli Tomblin Cabin Fever 5 Mile Trail Race Richfield, Ohio


Cabin Fever 5 Mile Trail Race

Richfield, Ohio

Kelli Tomblin

Finish Time:  1:27:26

Overall Place:  106th Place / 113

Division Place:  14th Place / 14

Race Recap By Kelli Tomblin:

5 miler here we go! Awesome BOOM NUTRITION ENERGY GEL! Worked great and  I needed it!  My 1st actual trail race but I couldn’t run the whole time due to ice, snow, uneven areas, hilly etc. Different terrain than I am used to running on. But I would do it again! I had fun with my girlfriends! Very well marked with pretty scenery.

2/22/2025 Lisa Keane Towpath Trail YMCA Swim_A-Thon Navarre, Ohio


Towpath Trail YMCA Swim-A-Thon

Navarre, Ohio

Lisa Keane

Swim Time:  50 Minutes

Laps Completed:  40

Swim Recap By Lisa Keane:

The event was super organized and fun with tons of volunteers, snacks, and goody bag.
This year it included my very first swim medal ever!
Swimmers begin on the hour and have 50 minutes to complete as many laps as they can using any stroke of their choice. Front crawl for me!
I completed 36 laps last year but with my sad training plan and this lingering cold, I was hoping to break 30.
I could not be happier with my 40 laps today!
Thank you to all of my sponsors- together we raised $185 for the adult and youth swim program! You are the best!


2/8/2025 Terri Bednar, Mike Williams, Scott Orlando, Kelli Tomblin, Gretchen Snyder, And Brittany Kiehl The Frostbite 5K Prediction Race Munroe Falls, Ohio


The Frostbite 5K Prediction Race

Munroe Falls, Ohio

Terri Bednar

Finish Time:  27:23

Predicted Time:  27:11

Difference:  :12

Overall Place:  10th Place / 112

Mike Williams

Finish Time:  29:44

Predicted Time:  30:00

Difference:  :16

Overall Place:  14th Place / 112

Scott Orlando

Finish Time:  24:35

Predicted Time:  24:10

Difference:  :25

Overall Place:  17th Place / 112

Kelli Tomblin

Finish Time:  34:15

Predicted Time:  35:10

Difference:  :55

Overall Place:  40th Place / 112

Gretchen Snyder

Finish Time:  29:41

Predicted Time:  28:00

Difference:  1:41

Overall Place:  61st Place / 112

Brittany Kiehl

Volunteered for early packet pick up duties.

Race Recap By Scott Orlando:

This morning I ran my first race of 2025. I wasn’t confident how things would go because I have been nursing a sore back since my last race on New Year’s Eve. Thankfully my back held out and I had an enjoyable run.

The Frostbite 5K certainly lived up to its name! Morning temperatures were in the high teens with a chilly wind.  Being a prediction race you win by being closest to your predicted time not by being the fastest. Because speed isn’t a factor in winning I dialed down my pace to a predicted time of 24:10. I finished in a time of 24:35 placing 17th overall.

Participants received hoodies and much needed hand warmers. There were plenty of snacks available post race. The course revisions made for a smoother and improved 2 loop running experience around the lake.

Thank you to Brittany Kiehl for volunteering for early packet pick up and to Mike Williams who stuck around to help clean up.
Congratulations to Kelli Tomblin for making her Team-ER race debut and to Gretchen Snyder, Mike Williams, and Terri Bednar for completing the race.

Thank you to Josh Ritchie, Mickey Rzymek, Summit Athletic Running Club, and all the volunteers that put on another great race.
Congratulations to the 112 fearless souls that braved the cold and crossed the finish line.

Race Recap By Kelli Tomblin:

This was m first frigid run of the 2025!! Here at Munroe Falls Metro Parks for the Frostbite 5k !! Great time running with both my sweet, encourager running best sole sister Felicia Neal & few of my new group of friends from Team ER Scott Orlando I’m so blessed & privileged to also be a part of now !!
Thanks to Ritchie’s Sporting Goods, Eddy’s Bike Shop, and Boom Nutrition.