5/27/2024 Mike Williams, Josh Keane, Terri Bednar, Gretchen Snyder, Laura Fairfax, Cleopatra Sirnic Clifford, Lisa Keane, Brittany Kiehl George McFall, Josh Keane, Kevin Christensen, Kristi Quesenberry Gunyula, Lisa Keane, Mike Williams, Russ Neubert, Scott Orlando, Stephanie Orkwick, And Veronica Nuebert The Tallmadge Memorial Day 5K Tallmadge, Ohio


Tallmadge Memorial Day 5K

Tallmadge, Ohio

Mike Williams

Finish Time:  25:38

Overall Place:  47th Place / 158

Division Place:  3rd Place 7

Josh Keane

Finish Time:  26:18

Overall Place:  52nd Place / 158

Division Place:  2nd Place / 6

Terri Bednar

Finish Time:  27:58

Overall Place:  69th Place / 158

Division Place: 1st Place / 7

Gretchen Snyder

Finish Time:  27:59

Overall Place:  70th Place / 158

Division Place:  3rd Place / 15

Laura Fairfax

Finish Time: 28:06

Overall Place:  71st Place / 158

Division Place:  3rd Place / 9

Cleopatra Sirnic Clifford

Finish Time:  30:31

Overall Place:  93rd Place / 158

Division Place:  1st Place / 6

Lisa Keane

Finish Time:  35:22

Overall Place:  123rd Place / 158

Division Place:  4th Place / 16

Brittany Kiehl

Finish Time:  40:07

Overall Place:  138th Place / 158

Division Place:  9th Place / 13


George McFall

Josh Keane

Kevin Christensen

Kristi Quesenberry Gunyula

Lisa Keane

Mike Williams

Russ Neubert

Scott Orlando

Stephanie Orwick

Veronica Neubert

Race Recap By Lisa Keane:

I am so proud to be part of Team ER! We showed up in numbers today to volunteer, lift each other up, and take on this tough course!
I had fun learning a new skill and meeting runners while volunteering during registration and couldn’t wait to get out there to run my 1st race since my surgery! Definitely not a PR but it went better than expected and I was one happy runner! A great course but also tough with lots of rolling hills and a few big ones too!
Congratulations to all who placed – so many Team ER awards today! Happy Memorial Day!

Race Recap By Josh Keane:

What a fun filled finish to the Memorial Day weekend. The Tallmadge Memorial Day 5K was a challenging 5k to stretch my legs after Saturdays trail 50K race. I was blessed and overjoyed to pull out 2nd in my age group and 52nd overall. What an awesome group of people we have in Team ER! Volunteering before the race, running the race, and then cheering on other runners finishing. Great team, great race, great day. Congrats to everyone who placed and everyone who gave it their all today.

Race Recap By George McFall:

This morning I volunteered at the Tallmadge Memorial Day 5K race. This isn’t the first time I have done this nor is it the first time I left feeling so I inspired. It was great seeing the young, the old , the walkers, the runners, the walk/joggers, Mom’s pushing strollers and all of you. I am inspired by you.  You made a decision to sign up for a race.  You mentally and physically prepared for this day. You showed up on race day to do your very best, whatever that means to you. Nobody else. You have your why. I came home, fueled up, laced up and got in a 6 mile run. I post my runs on social media for accountability; not to brag / show off. I share the good and bad parts of my training and races. And in some small way, I hope to inspire others to be active. To believe that you are more than capable. Keep on doing what makes you happy. Share the ups and downs. We are human. Support others. Say thank you to race volunteers like so many did today.

Race Review By Terri Bednar:

This was a fun race! Easy to get to, parking was a breeze, and the course was as relatively flat except for one long hill that kept it interesting. I didn’t love getting out of bed today but I’m glad I did. I will do this race again. Glad the rain held off too. Got a nice trophy for winning my age group!

Race Recap By Scott Orlando:

The Tallmadge Memorial Day 5K is an annual event going back 31 years.  This year my experience was a little different than in years past because I was unable to run due to severe plantar fasciitis in my left foot.  My injury did not however prevent me from participating in the race.  Luckily my foot was recovered enough that I was able to a lead bike escort with a fellow Team ER member.  This was my first time leading a race by bike.  I got a little nervous when I arrived and found out that there would not be a police vehicle in front of us.  I was afraid of two things.  The first was that some of the runners would be faster than I would be on my bike and the other was that we would lead the runners off course.  Fortunately neither of the scenarios happened.  The course was well marked with plenty of volunteers and signs along the way.  I really enjoyed being able to participate in the race without actually running while at the same time getting a little bit of exercise and rehab done on my foot.

The race as always was well organized by Josh Ritchie and Mickey Rzymek.  Weather conditions were very humid with some strong wind gusts and temperatures in the mid 60’s.  Rain was forecasted but thankfully it stayed away.  Participants received nice t-shirts.  There were lots of awards for overall and age group winners.  Post race snacks included a variety of small bags of chips and bananas.  Team ER members walked away with 6 awards which was awesome.

I was extremely proud of Team ER at this race.  In part for the 8 members that competed but more so for the 10 members that volunteered.  Team ER members helped at early packet pick up the night before the race, day of race packet pick up, course set up, race site set up, the mid point water station, as lead bike escorts, with the finish line water station, and we even had a member on crutches recovering from hip surgery stand in the road and course marshal.  It was so awesome to see so many team members support this race and give back to the local running community.