Great Island Adventure Triathlon
Lock Haven, PA
5K Kayak, 15 Mile Bike, and 5K Run
Scott Orlando
Finish Time: 1:50:12
Overall Place: 6th Place
Division Place 3rd Place
Race Review By Scott Orlando:
This was my 6th time competing in the Great Island Adventure Triathlon. (5K kayak, 15 mile bike, and 5K run). The race was last offered in 2018 so I was happy to see it back for 2021.
I set a race PR finishing in 1:50:12 taking 6th place overall and 3rd in my age division. 5 of the top 7 finishers were in my age division.
I fell behind early in the field of super fast kayakers. I made up a little time on the bike passing a few people on the two lap course. The magic really happened on the run. I dropped a 7:15 first mile and started passing other racers. I completed the run in 22:50 with average pace of 7:22 per mile. The race was well organized as it usually has been in the past. Racers received long sleeve shirts and plenty of post race food for refueling. My race packet included probably the most unique piece of race swag I have ever received which was a hand made key chain made our of authentic chain mail armor provided by one of the sponsors.