6/29/2024 George McFall, Kristi Quesenberry Gunyula, Josh Keane, Asad Khan, Brad Hain, Terri Bednar, Kevin Christensen, Renee Buckus, Lisa Keane, Stephanie Orwick, Brittany Kiehl National Interstate 8K Akron, Ohio


National Interstate 8K

Akron, Ohio

George McFall

Finish Time:  35:39

Overall Place: 59th Place / 1284

Division Place:  3rd Place / 48

Kristi Quesenberry Gunyula

Finish Time:  35:57

Overall Place: 67th Place / 1284

Division Place:  1st Place / 121

Josh Keane

Finish Time:  43:23

Overall Place: 274th Place / 1284

Division Place:  25th Place / 51

Asad Khan

Finish Time:  45:54

Overall Place: 378th Place / 1284

Division Place:  17th Place / 48

Brad Hain

Finish Time:  46:27

Overall Place: 409th Place / 1284

Division Place:  10th Place / 30

Terri Bednar

Finish Time:  48:15

Overall Place: 479th Place / 1284

Division Place:  16th Place / 83

Kevin Christensen

Finish Time:  48:31

Overall Place: 491st Place / 1284

Division Place:  17th Place / 41

Renee Buckus

Finish Time:  51:00

Overall Place: 613th Place / 1284

Division Place:  52nd Place / 95

Lisa Keane

Finish Time:  55:01

Overall Place: 770th Place / 1284

Division Place:  36th Place / 82

Stephanie Orwick

Finish Time:  56:42

Overall Place: 840th Place / 1284

Division Place:  65th Place / 109

Stephanie also volunteered to help packet pick up.

Brittany Kiehl

Finish Time:  1:06:53

Overall Place: 1084th Place / 1284

Division Place:  85th Place / 95

Race Recap By George McFall:

The 2024 Akron Marathon race series is underway. First race, National Interstate 8k. It’s always great to see so many familiar faces. So happy the rain and thunderstorms stayed away. Upper 70s and humid at the start. The course starts with a little uphill then gets faster with a downhill and flattens out. It kind of like this the entire course. Take the downhills fast, keep churning on the rollers and let loose on the flats and approaching the finish line,
I felt I executed my race plan well. The goal was to be 7 minute overall pace. I had a few miles under/a little over that. I did post a 7:15 on mile 4. I crossed the finish line with a time of 35:39; 7:11 pace and placed 3rd in my age group . I was 59th overall out of 1284. The post race party was fun.  I enjoyed the live music and catching up with people. Looking forward to the Goodyear 10k in August.

Race Recap By Josh Keane:

The National Interstate 8k was a great race for Team ER without question! I really enjoyed seeing everyone out there and thought it was a well organized race as always. The course was challenging and it was a little hotter and more humid than my body liked. I pushed a little too hard on the downhills at the beginning and slowed on the second half but look forward to crushing this one with the team next year! Great job to everyone else out there today!

Race Recap By Lisa Keane:

I am pretty sure we were all prepared for a monsoon to postpone our race day but the rain held off and it was a great morning for a run! A little muggy but overcast and breezy for my first crack at this race!  The race was super organized and heavily supported 8K on a “mostly” flat course. I really enjoyed running around the Akron University campus and surrounding neighborhoods. It toured some familiar race routes that brought back some memories.
Nice swag and fantastic after party with food trucks, beverages, photo ops, and live music!
I will definitely do this one again next year!

Race Recap By Kevin Christensen:

It was a hot and humid morning but no thunderstorms as predicted so race went on as scheduled.  I had a good run. It was great seeing all of the Team ER runners as well as plenty of wonderful volunteers.

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