6/29/2024 Scott Orlando, Veronica Neubert, And Russ Neubert Headwaters Adventure Triathlon Mantua, Ohio


Headwaters Adventure Triathlon

Mantua, Ohio

2 Mile Run, 10 Mile Bike, 5 Mile Kayak

Scott Orlando

Finish Time:  1:44:03

Overall Place:  3rd Place / 103

Veronica Neubert

Finish Time:  2:00:19

Overall Place:  1st Place Overall Female / 103

Russ Neubert provided course support and took pictures for Team ER members racing.

Race Recap By Veronica Neubert:

Wake up 5 am, race is still on. Load every thing and drive through a rainstorm to get there. It did not look good! Dropped my bike off and it was sprinkling. Drove through the bike portion of the race and it appeared pretty wet so that made me nervous.  Dropped the kayak off and the rain stopped! I felt decent in the warm up but the run portion of this race was probably the worst I have ever felt, ever!! It was only 2 miles and I thought about dropping out more than once. I am so discouraged with my running since the concussion. I wonder if I will ever be back to where I was? I was passed by 3 women in the run, I knew I could make up time on the bike and I did, but then a race marshal indicated a left turn when the race map showed to continue forward. I thought maybe there was an accident or something, so I turned left. I caught up to a few guys that were just as confused as I was. Then the 2 leaders turned around and told us we took a wrong turn. I actually stopped, I didn’t know what to do. The guy I was right next to said the course went this way last year and we should continue, so I did. We were able to get back on the route.  We still ended up with a 10 mile bike! I was the first female to enter the kayak phase and thanks to Russ’s faster boat, I was able to remain in the lead for the entire 5 mile kayak!

This was the first triathlon I ever completed in 2021 and I was second female overall.
In 2022, I was third female overall by 2 seconds. We were in France last year so I was unable to compete.
The weather held off and I was able to win!  I wanted this so badly! The sweetest victory!

Race Recap By Scott Orlando:

Today I competed in the Headwaters Adventure Triathlon. I have competed in this race many times.  Having torn my plantar fasciitis 5 weeks ago I wasn’t sure how I would perform.  The morning of the race was extremely humid and severe storms were expected but luckily they were not as strong as predicted and we were able to race.  The combined race field between the solo competitors and relay teams was around 200 racers.

My 2 mile run time was about a minute slower than my usual pace, but I was able to run without any pain. The 10 mile bike was pure chaos. 3 miles into the bike leg a volunteer directed all the riders left off course instead of straight up the steep hill. This sent bike riders in all directions trying to find the course. Some bikers pedaled extra miles trying to get back on course while others shorter distances. It was a mess! After stopping twice and turning around twice I found my way to Camp Hi for the transition to the kayak. I biked pretty close to 10 miles which was the distance of the bike course. When I arrived at Camp Hi my heart sank realizing the bikers ahead of me were still lost on the course. I honestly didn’t know what to do. It did not feel right to proceed with the race. I decided to get in my kayak and start paddling. I paddled very slow contemplating the situation.

After a mile a racer who was ahead of me prior to the bike course issue caught up to me and passed me. At that point I decided to start racing again. Kayaking was difficult with the high seaweed. It was like kayaking on carpet. Many of my paddle strokes were half scoops but my Stellar Kayaks SR Multisport was able to cut through the seaweed and hold off all other kayaks from passing me. I was the 2nd overall racer to cross the finish line.

Another fast racer known to me was having a great race until he got lost on the bike course and finished just behind me. After a little discussion with him and realizing he biked almost 4 extra miles and finished just a minute behind me I decided to concede 2nd place to him who clearly beat me in all phases of the race. I was happy to accept the 3rd place overall award.

Congratulations to Team ER member Veronica Neubert who was the women’s overall winner.  Thank you to Russ Neubert for taking pictures and providing race support.  Thank you to all of the volunteers and for Portage Park District Foundation for putting on a great race.

All participants received nice t-shirts and custom finisher medals along with a bag filled with sponsor items.

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