7/27/2024 Scott Orlando USCA Ohio State Canoe, Kayak, And Paddle Board Championships Fairport Harbor, Ohio.


USCA Ohio State Canoe, Kayak, And Paddle Board Championships

Fairport Harbor, Ohio

Scott Orlando

5 Mile Race Kayak Race

Finish Time:  54:09

Overall Place:  4th Place Overall Solo Kayak

Division Place:  3rd Place Unlimited Class

Race Recap By Scott Orlando:

This was my 5th time competing in the USCA Ohio State Canoe, Kayak, and Paddle Board Championships held on the Grand River in Fairport Harbor, Ohio.  I haven’t been able to compete in this race for the last few years do to schedule conflicts so I was excited to get back to this race to compete for a state championship.

This event features a 5 mile and 10 mile race and I once again chose to compete in the 5 mile race.  The race conditions were very good with temperatures in the 70’s with a slight breeze and very calm river conditions.  It did warm up quickly but the the weather was not a factor in the 5 mile race.  The 10 mile race which was an hour or so after the the 5 mile race did have to deal with hot temperatures and increased winds.

I debated heavily between racing my Stellar SR Multisport in the unlimited  class or my Steller S18S Multisport in the 18′ and under class.  The 18′ and under class looked more crowded and included the fastest paddler at the race.  Wanting to paddle for a gold medal I entered the unlimited class.  Just before the race started I learned that the fastest paddler switched to the unlimited class.  I almost switched myself to the 18′ and under class but decided just to race unlimited.  From the start of the race the fastest paddler now in my class and another paddler also in my class shot to the front of the race field and were gone.  A mile into the race I knew there was no chance of catching them and I was paddling for 3rd place.  After a loop through a marina and crossing back across the start / finish area I found myself in a nice position surrounded by several of the 18′ and under class paddlers and a couple of tandem canoes.  We were all drafting off of each other and in a tight pack.  One of the tandem canoes that was directly in front of me kept cutting me off moving into my line wherever I went on the river.  I was getting a little annoyed so I finally passed the canoe.  That same canoe then got directly on my stern and hit my kayak several times which was getting frustrating.  I finally pulled far enough in front that I got free of canoe.

Making it to the half way turnaround point another kayak, canoe, and myself all hit the turn to round the buoy at the same time.  The other kayak had the inside line and verbalized to the canoe who was in the middle that she was going inside on the turn.  I then let the canoe know I was going outside giving them the middle line.  The canoe didn’t turn well and headed straight to the river bank forcing me the same direction.  I had to stop paddling and correct my position which cost me a lot of time.  The kayaks I had been paddling with gained a lot of ground on me thanks to the canoe.  I spent the next mile pushing hard to regain my position and finally caught up to them.  With a mile to go one of the kayaks slowed and I was able to pass it.  Heading to the finish I was able to outsprint another kayak and a tandem canoe to the finish line.

I was well behind the other two kayakers in my class who ended up being the fastest two finishing 1st and 2nd overall in the 5 mile race.  I managed to finish 4th overall placing 3rd in the unlimited division earning a bronze medal with a time of 54:09.  Although I was hoping to win a state title my goal was to leave the race with a medal which I did.  The paddler that won the 5 mile race is a national champion and he went on to win the 10 mile race as well.  The paddler that place 2nd in the 5 mile race also competed in the 10 mile race placing 3rd overall so these guys were extremely fast good paddlers.

The race was well organized.  Paddlers received very nicely designed t-shirts and there were plenty of snacks and food for paddlers refueling between races.  Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with the race.   It was great to see all of my  Performance Kayak teammates and other kayak friends.   I really enjoy this race and look forward to competing in it again next year.