7/8/2023 Scott Orlando Headwaters Adventure Race Mantua, Ohio


Headwaters Adventure Triathlon

2 Mile Run, 10 Mile Bike, 5 Mile Kayak

Mantua, Ohio

Scott Orlando

Finish Time:  1:46:09

Overall Place 4th Place / 100

Division Place:  1st Place / 13

Race Recap By Scott Orlando

The Headwaters Adventure Race is one of the races I look forward to every year.  I have competed in this race about 10 times since 2010.  This year I was extra motivated because last year in the final stretch of the kayak leg I got caught on a log under the water, I was passed by 3 competitors, dropped to 9th place, and lost my age group by just seconds.  I was waiting an entire year for redemption.

Race morning conditions were fairly favorable with temperatures in the high 60’s, moderate humidity, and just a slight breeze.  River conditions were not ideal with low water depths and low flow.  I got to the kayak staging area early knowing that the best spots to place your kayak for the river put in fill up fast.  Kayak staging was a little frustrating as everywhere I attempted to place my kayak I was told by a volunteer it was not allowed.  The volunteer was a little confrontational.  I finally found a spot that I was approved to stage my kayak.  Next it was off to the bike staging area and registration which were located near the start line.  Again I know to get to the bike staging area early as the best spots fill up quickly.  Everything was set and I was ready to race.

The race starts with a 2 mile run which is on an out and back course that begins on the road before heading to the Headwaters Trail.  This year they changed the last part of course and instead of heading back to the road the course stayed on the trail which looped behind the park leading to the bike transition area.  I think this change made for a better course.  My run went as expected and put me in somewhere between 10th -12th place.  My transition to the bike was pretty good and I was quickly on my way.   The bike course features a lot of hills.   I was able to pass a few of the faster runners that weren’t as skilled on the bike and was passed myself by a couple of competitors that were faster on the bike than myself who I had beaten on the run leg.  It wasn’t my fastest time completing the bike course but I survived the hills and made my way to Camp Hi for the kayak leg.  I dropped off my bike in the designated area, changed from my bike shoes to my kayak shoes and was off to the river.  As I arrived at my kayak I was slightly frustrated to see that kayaks had been staged in every single location I was told pre race that I could not stage my kayak.  Non the less I picked up my kayak, carried it to the boat ramp, hopped in, and took off paddling.  I went with my Stellar SR Multi Sport for this race which is the fastest kayak I own.  The water was low and slow with seaweed everywhere.   To avoid a repeat of last year getting caught twice on river debris I was extra cautious with my paddling lines constantly surveying the water ahead looking for anything that would slow me down.  I was pleased to see that many of the fallen trees had been cut back creating lines of safe passage through the winding river.  There were some shallow spots but I managed to keep the hull of my kayak from hitting the river bottom.  I passed several competitors early in the first mile that were in recreational kayaks and who were less experienced paddlers.  After that I never saw another kayaker on the course in front or behind me.  I did hit a few logs under the water that I could not see but luckily I did not get hung up on them.  I knew there were some fast kayakers behind me.  As I hit the 4th and 5th miles I kept waiting and expecting for them to come up from behind me and pressure me which often happens at this race.  But this year was different.  The closer I got to the finish the harder I pushed and the pressure never came.  I saw the bridge above me and knowing the finish was just around the corner I kicked it into gear for the final stretch.  I exited my kayak and ran through the finish.  I was surprised to find out that I was the 4th overall finisher.  This was my best overall result at this race which I typically finish somewhere between 6th place – 9th place.  I also redeemed myself from last year and won my division with a time of 1:46:09 seconds.  I beat my time from last year by over 7 minutes.  It is amazing how much faster your kayak time can be when you don’t have to get out of it to get yourself off of a logs!

The race was very well organized by the Portage Park District which is made up of mostly volunteers.  Every participant received a swag box loaded with sponsor goodies, a tri blend shirt, and finisher medal.  Awards went to the top 3 overall finishers.  Age group awards went to only the winner of each age group.  Age groups were every 10 years.  I have suggested in the past to the race directors that they provide age group award for the top 3 in each division, but they continue to limit the awards.  I think when people win awards they have a greater tendency to return the following year plus they post their award pictures all over social media which promotes the race and organization holding the race.  Overall this is a great race and I will be back next year!