Akron Marathon 9-28-2013

Weather wise, a perfect day, 55 degrees at the start- no wind and a clear sky

First 4 miles were a little crowded, but not bad, felt good, and had to keep watching my pace, was feeling good, and had to really hold back.

At 11 mile mark, things really thinned out, when all the ½ marathon people took the turnoff. There is a massive mile plus downhill, and I tried to let it fly, but was hard after 10 miles on my legs, and knowing I had not even hit the ½ way mark. I held a 7:15 pace (my goal pace) all the way to mile 16, but that’s when you hit the sand run parkway, which is a 4 mile section of up and down hills, with a huge straight up hill at the end. Those hills dropped me to a 7:25 pace, but the toll it took on my legs was huge. The 7.27 pace group started to pass me, and I tried everything to hang with them. I did not know it at the time, but was within 30 seconds of 2nd place till mile 22, then lost 4 minutes to him. I think He was in that group

 I was doing well drinking, and took in 2 jells on schedule  feeling ok, but at mile 24 had dropped to a 730 pace,1/2 the 727 group had slowly pulled away, the other ½ dropped behind me . The   last 2 miles are downhill, and there was not dropping my time down like I had anticipated, my legs would just not let me get into a long stride (they kept wanting to do the Ali shuffle- short little strides).

I finished in 3:18, 3rd in my class, 96 overall (out of 1664),a cool finish with a huge crowd in the Aero’s stadium,

Not sure any more marathon are on my 2 do list, I miss the multi-sport racing
