Ray Fryan finished 2nd overall with a time of 24:42 for the 4 mile race!
Northeast Ohio Multi-Sport Team
Ray Fryan finished 2nd overall with a time of 24:42 for the 4 mile race!
Julie Healy – cat 1/2/3, 3rd place
Marie Rote – cat 4/5, 3rd place
Jeannie Ritchie – 1st overall female time of 20:34
Paul Lenz – Sunday was a great day to run a marathon. 38 degree temp at start with fireworks synced to ACDC “Thunderstruck” as the gun went off w/18,000 runners. Nice fog about the city through 10 miles lifted to clear blue skies and perfect temp of 55-60 degrees. Great crowd support and ample fluids over entire run. At miles 17-18, running through the “Horseshoe” on OSU campus was a nice lift new this year. At mile 20, the race really got rolling as the last 10K was mostly downhill. I ended up finishing with a PR of 3:13:17. If you are looking for an October marathon, keep this one in mind.
Ron Hudas – Marathon, time of 3:41:25
Ray Fryan – Columbus 1/2 Marathon, 1st age group, time 1:23:52
Steve Bable — Member of a mixed relay team at the Akron Marathon
Finished 3rd with a time of 3:09
I have been a member of Life Center plus for 6 months, and besides being a fantastic facility- the owners, Jerry & Sue Lynch, are very involved in the local community, and do many fund raisers. When I saw they were doing a charity 5k to fund an anti-obesity program at a local hospital- I knew I had to participate. The fact it’s close to home, and with race starting at 730am provided a bonus!!
They had approx. 135 people there, and being a first year event- on the same weekend as Towpath Marathon, it was a solid turnout.
Weather was in the 40’s, with drizzle and a threat of rain. I got there early, did a solid warm up by running the course. This would prove to be a huge help, and with weather, most people elected to not warm up, or preview course. At the start, I lined up in front, and watched starter closely, as many people were talking and not paying attention- so when the starter yelled go, I jumped out to a 50 yard lead. At the ½ mile mark, a young runner passed me, and looked pretty strong. There was a pretty good downhill, and I hung as close as I could. As we made a few turns, I could see him hesitate slightly, not 100 % sure on where course was. I used these corners to close back in, and as we approached the ½ way point, He again hesitated a hair at turnaround point, I used this to get next to him, and we ran side by side for the next ¼ mile, till He again pulled ahead by a few yards. At one of road crossings, there was a water stop, and a very steep downhill right after. As we approached, He went to grab a water. I decided this was my chance, I shot passed him, flew down the hill- almost hitting the bikes who were leading us out, and went all out. I got a small gap, and as I turned corner for final uphill, I decided to go all out- thinking it might discourage him, being afraid if it came down to a final sprint at finish line, he would out sprint me.
The tactic worked, as I crested top of hill, had a clear lead, cruised to the finish in 19:50- a 6.20 per mile pace (course was long, about 3.2 miles) and my first overall win! It was a nice to win an overall, and celebrated by grabbing my bike and doing a ride home immediately after race
Thanks to Jerry & Sue for a great event!!
Ken Frankenbery
Julie H – 2nd place cat 4 cyclocross at East Liberty Park. Beautiful day and venue!
Submitted by Mark Gorris
10:39 and change
115th Overall / 3000
6th AG / ~ 300
Missed podium and auto Kona slot by 31 SECONDS
Louisville is known for it’s hot weather but this year was a BEAST. My AG alone had a 15% DNF rate, the race itself had a DNF rate of close to 15%. My goal was to break 10 hours but it became evident early that all time goals were out the window. Had a solid swim, and biked within myself, saving it for the run. I flatted on the bike, FWIW. Wanted to run a 320 marathon, my last IM I ran a 330 and I feel I am in much better run shape today then I was back when I ran a 330. Ended up running a 340, slow for what I wanted but actually one of the fastest splits of the day [~ 75th fastest of the entire field] Not one male pro broke 3 hours, the fastest female pro ran a 320. You take what the course and conditions give you and all things considered, it was a good race. I will be back in 2013
Ray Fryan – 38:01, 4th overall, 1st age group!