X Terra 7-23-2011

Submitted by Ken Frankenbery

Headed back to Versailles Indiana for an Xterra off road Tri. Like last year, it was roasting (even hotter this year!)- Pre rode bike loop Friday- was almost 100.

Race day was mid 90’s- I think it was the first time I ever worked up a sweat in the water – water temp was over 90 degrees, and it was almost uncomfortably warm.

1k swim went ok, came out 23rd out of 90, used a speed suit- and took 1 minute off my 2010 time, so maybe it helps, but my swim still sucks- had a solid transition, and hit 13 mile mountain bike, picking off the people who had passed me on swim. Worked into top ten, had another solid transition, and hit the run with the temp now in the upper 90’s. Run course is a hard 5 miles- up and down hills, 3 stream crossings ( which were dry river beds!), and the heat was stifling. I managed to pass 2 more people, ended up 8th overall-1st in my class, with a 4+ minute improvement in my time for 2010 and beating 2nd in my age group by over an hour.

I know I need to work on my swim, gearing up for National Championships in Sept- will have some real solid completion there, so can’t give them a big head start!

The week before the Xterra, I did the T- Con memorial 5k at Goodyear Park in Akron on July 16th.

This is a fund raiser, run by the family of Teresa Conti, a High school runner who was killed in a traffic accident in 2002. The family puts on the race, and uses funds to help other runners with scholarship grants.

This was my first “cross country” running race- and having never run in high school, was clueless on how it would go.

I got there early to sign up, and do a warm up to get familiar with the loop. Well it’s a big field, with a really big hill, and cones laid out all over- they had a map, which I tried to follow, but spent 30 minutes running around having no idea where course would go. Was freaking out thinking gun would go off and I would not know where to go.

Well, I had nothing to worry about, because when the gun went off for race start- I had plenty of people to follow. Many of the kids on high school track team where there- and they took off like rabbits. Unlike other races, this went back and forth, up hills, tight 180 degree grass corners and rocky trails.

It was a great workout, but rather humbling getting beat by so many kids, many ½ my size!

I got 21st overall, first in my age group- with a 21:21, slowest 5 k time I have had in years, but with all the corners, hills and heat-was not too disappointed.

Interesting note was passing a couple girls who seemed to have started out to fast, when suddenly one pulls over and starts heaving- crossing the finish line, I could see a few other kids doing the same thing. Not something you see a lot (or want to see when your over heated) – but people tell me it’s not unusual at cross country races- maybe those kids ate at McDonalds before the race?


Team ER rules at Monroe Tri

Submitted by Ken Frankenbery
Great weather, a sell out crowd, and a early 7 am start Sunday at Monroe Falls.

Had a first for me, coming out of the swim, and seeing a full rack of bikes! Had a great swim, 2nd or 3rd out of water, with Henry right on my heels. I had a good transition, and bike went well, but was surprised with 2 miles from the end of bike, Henry pulling up next to me! Great bike Henry! I averaged 21.7 on the bike, and was able to keep Henry from passing me , and had another good transition, almost went into shock when I saw Henry following me out of transition!! ( Henry is not known for fast transitions- this was by far His best race, and huge improvement on transition times)

Run went well, finished in just over 22 minutes (7:19 pace), total race time of 1:04:05, a 1 & 1/2 minute improvement from 2010.

I finished first in my class-31st overall, Henry came in 2nd, and Paul had a great racing finishing third, and making it a Team sweep in our class.


Run for the Green 5k in Gates Mills

6-4-2011 Run for the Green 5k in Gates Mills Submitted by Ken Frankenbery

Gates Mill’s is a community near our Chagrin Falls Fresh Start that was having a 5k race to help raise funds for a local green area. I hatched a plan to do race with Karen, then I would ride the 30+ miles home on my bike after.

I assured her it was a flat easy course (that turned out to be a lie), but even with some hills, She enjoyed it and did well.

There were maybe 200 people or so there, the start went up a small hill, then hit Chagrin River road for about 2 miles and into a residential area and finished in a local park. Since the race was for a green area, for some bizarre reason they allowed people to run with their dogs. Most stayed in the back, but a couple started up front.

I started out front, and at the gun several high school track kids bolted out front, 2 with dogs. I settled in about 15th place, with 2 of the “dog “people in front of me. The dogs were all over the place, and really starting to piss me off .I knew kicking them was not going to work- I would most likely fall on my face. I would have yelled, but the first mile I did in about 6:05, so there was no oxygen to spare for yelling. I got next to one of dog people, and when we hung a sharp left, I cut inside a stop sign and dog number one followed me- unfortunately for the dog’s owner, He went to the right of the stop sign. 1 down, 1 to go.

Dog #2 decided at half way mark He needed to take a dump, and shot to the side of the road with owner in tow- great, dogs are history. As we turned off Chagrin River road, we headed up a steep hill (sorry Karen), and I started picking off most of the runners who started out too fast .There was a 10 year old girl in front of me, and She was hauling! (She finished in 20.17 for 13th overall), I picked her off and I was up to about 5th place as we crested the hill, and I let it rip as we started down the hill to the finish. I caught the guy in 4th, but he looked back and gave me the “I am not letting some old guy pass me look” and he gassed it to finish right in front of me. I looked at my watch, saw I was close to a record time. I gave it everything I had in last 500 yards, finished in 19:33, beating my PR by 2 seconds. I jogged back to car, changed into bike gear, and headed back to wait for Karen. She had recovered well from the hill, looked like she was not going to attack me for talking her into race, and actually finished with her best time ever!

I finished 5th overall, a guy 52 years old was 2nd overall with a 17.39!!!!

I hit the road for a great ride home, perfect weather, a perfect route through Chagrin reservation, and really enjoying ride. I felt great for 27 miles. Unfortunately my house was 33 miles, and up a hill. I struggled the last few miles, but still a great day!


Rev 3 Triathlon – Knoxville Tennessee

Submitted by Ken Frankenbery 5-15-2011

Henry and I traveled to Knoxville, for the Olympic distance Rev 3 Tri (1 mile swim/ 24 mile bike- 10 k run)

I have been focusing on off road Tri’s for the last few years, and have done some local conventional Tri’s- this was the first big time national level event I have raced at.

Wanted to get in a early season tune up race, before the off road Tri’s start in June- and with cold weather here- wanted to get in a open water swim.

The difference was obvious as soon as we arrived- everyone had high end equipment, lots of National teams there, and as Henry said, when you pay $160+ to enter a race- you’re serious!

The Race was held in downtown, the swim was in the Tennessee river- swim upstream, turn around, and back. I didn’t like the start- there was no warm up; they let you jump in, tread water for a minute, then go. We did a open swim on Saturday, and water was shockingly cold. The current was not that bad, but river was running very high.

Weather looked bad, rain, and a cold front moved in with highs only in the 50’s.

We got lucky on race day, rain held off, and temp in low 50’s and over cast.

Swim – I started off slow, not used to not warming up, but tried to work into a rhythm. Got passed by what seemed like most people in my wave, but was far from last. The course seemed long to me, much longer than a mile, but maybe that’s because I was weaving back and forth most of the way.

I hit the dock, and shot through the transition like a rocket, passing quit a few people along the way.

The bike started out down a closed interstate in the city- and things were clicking right off the bat. I was passing people, feeling solid, and after 5 miles caught Henry, who had a great swim. From there we headed out to suburbs, with some decent hills, and fast downhill’s. I was in a zone, and passing people in groups- averaged over 20 mph for entire 24 miles. It was one of best bikes I have had.

I hit the run hard, and in transition did not see any bikes from people in my class, so felt I had a solid shot at winning.

Run went very well, felt very strong the whole way, and just like bike, passed groups of people.

I finished strong, I won with a 2:31, a racer from Canada was 7 minutes behind in second, and Henry had a solid race to finish 3rd with 17 people in our age group.

A great event and a great showing for Team ER!

Ken Frankenbery

Buzzard Duathalon- Hinckley

Submitted by Ken Frankenbery


Buzzard Dualathalon- Hinckley

Weather was not ideal with 50 mph winds and 40 degree temps, but race went well for me and Team.

I did the Dualathalon (5k run – 25 k bike- 5 k run) – a solid 20.02 first run, followed by a disappointing bike time of 50 minutes (I still have nightmares about Matt Geis going by me like I was standing still!)- And a solid follow up run of 21.42 gave me a first place in age group, but disappointing 19th overall. Lets me know I have some work to do on my bike.

The good news was Team ER had several members on the podium, and was by far the dominant team at the event.

Great job by everyone, and looking forward to a great season.!

Ken Frankenbery

Race Weekend Wrap Up: Hinckley Duathlon | Jackson Laughs

From Henry Hauenstein:
Pete…22 miles, and you had a great pace! Great to see everyone at Hinckley…..Ken, Paul, Matt, Terry, Julie H. and Jon….(new to the team) Great showing by all…everyone placed!! I ended up 1st in my age group, happy with my run…even without a warm up, maybe thats why it hurt so much! The bike was difficult with the wind, but at least there was no snow/rain. Looking forward to seeing everyone for the training rides and up-coming races. Spoke to Gregg from Champ Racing and he is still trying to put another Tri together at Lake Milton or near there.

From Julie Healy:
Hinkley Duathlon today
Julie Healy – 1:41 – 2nd female overall

Jon Fike – 1:33 – 2nd male in age group

Course was hilly as usual 🙂 but the WIND! Oh my the wind! It was crazy. At one point I was riding 30 miles an hour down hill with the wind coming at me/to the side of me and I honestly do not know how I didn’t fall over! Overall – other than the wind… great weather, great people and a fun event as usual.

From Matt Geis:
Re: Racing Weekends
Pete – Run like fox buddy! We all have a story of being off course a bit!

Participated in the Buzzard DU/BI this morning – as did many other Team ER members braving the 30 mph wind and cold.

Ended up taking 4th overall and 1st age in the BI. Went with the road bike today knowing it was a hilly course and wasn’t about to get caught in the side ways wind gusts with the full disc. Went in with the goal to 7:15-7:30 run splits – ended up with an ave of 7:45 – considering the hills I was pleased. Made up ground on the bike and had some fun figuring out how to deal with the wind.

Overall the times were slower than last year with the challenging conditions.

Maybe one of these days Hinckley will be kind and offer up a plate of 70 degrees and sun.

Safe racing to each of you! — MRG

From Pete Finnerty:
Racing Weekends
First off, I hope those who competed at the Buzzard Duo had an awesome time. I took this weekend off from racing to get some rest and ready myself for the weeks coming up! I forgot to get this out last week but here goes.

On Saturday April 9th I ran the Jackson Laughs 25k, a benefit race for the Fragile X Foundation. Race morning I was feeling pretty good and pumped to keep a steady pace for the 15.5 miles ahead…if only I knew at that time I would be running a bit more than that. I saw Chrissy at the start, she said she was running the 5k, hope you did well! The race started off at Dix Stadium in Kent and would take country roads and the Portage Bike and Hike, it was a beautiful course passing by several lakes. I ran behind the leaders pack for the first mile or so and then they took off.

I was running with a couple others and was keeping a good pace around 6:45-7. Around mile 10 or 11 we ran back through downtown Kent and I figured there would not be many more miles to go. As I ran down Franklin St I noticed a road I usually ride down during the summertime but saw no signage or direction to turn that way. Later I would find out there was supposed to be someone there telling us to take a left turn….so I kept running forward as did a few of the runners ahead of me. We kept running and after a while I was starting to wonder where we would turn back to Dix Stadium.

That turn did not come and I ended up past I-76…realizing I must have taken a wrong turn I slowed down to ask some of the other runners where they thought we were. We then had to ask a driver how to get back because we were “way out in the country”. I began to find my way back and found a couple more runners who had lost their way. This one guy who had never ran further than a half before had paced himself at 6:15 and was ready to pass out, poor guy. He got a ride from some support staff when they found us jogging along the road. I told them I wanted to finish my race so I created my own way back and finished at 2:32:59 but found out I had ran 22 miles instead of 15.5. I wasn’t mad though, it was a great training run. Actually a perfect run for the Pittsburgh Marathon coming up. So you know you’re a runner when those situations occur and you just say, “no big deal”.

On Sunday I competed in my last swim meet of the season in Medina and the first time I had competed in a meter pool. I apparently finished first in my age group for all my events and received some cool ribbons (not sure if there was anyone in my age groups). My times were as follows: 200m free-3:06:76, 50 fly-44:09, 50 free-35:85, and the 100 IM-1:48:36. Hopefully I can bring those times to some great splits in tri’s this summer. Great times with the Kent Master’s group as well. And since the day was beautiful I had a great 50 mile ride in the afternoon. Happy training everyone.
be well,

Akron Spring Cycling Series – from Matt Geis

Hey group –

Took my chances at my first road race ever today in the Akron Spring Cycling Series. Was a bit nervous heading in knowing it would require me to ride in a group of about 60 riders – wheel to wheel with elbows bumping now and again.

A few wrecks but managed to avoid them all – one right behind be which took 5 out. Amazing how drafting really can carry a group to catch a “runaway” rider.

Spent some time pulling the group and then in the middle and at the back and unbelievable the levels of effort put forth when comparing the placement. While I don’t ride with a powertap I’d imagine the effort when drafting was prob half of what it was when pulling.

Half way through the race the group split into two and I hung with some buddies in group #2 which finished a few minutes back. Not sure of the overall results – really just wanted to experience this sort of race.

What fun it was though to enjoy a sprint for the finish in the group of 20 or so I was in. Felt my heart jumping out of my chest. One more pure cycling race in May then into tri season.

See many of you at Hinckley!