Team ER`s First Indoor Triathlon

Our first indoor Tri at Life Center Plus was a huge success with 42 racers.

First, we need to recognize our team members for giving their time on such a beautiful day. THANK YOU…… Chrissy, Emily, Chris S., Alex, Steve, Wally, Josh, Jason, Paul L., Craig and Mike W.  We also had  Sandy, Patty, Mickey,(friends of Team ER) Laura and her crew from Life Center Plus… Jerry Jr, Kate L, Trevor K, Rom V, Katie S, Amanda P, and Hannah Z. The event would not have ran so smoothly if it were not for the individuals mentioned and a special thanks to Chris Schmauder for coordinating everything!

Also a huge THANK YOU to our sponsors for the door prizes: Ritchies, Eddy`s, Life Center Plus, Dr. Dowd, Earth Fare,  Mickey NorthCoastMultisport, Mrs. P`s Gluten Free Bakery and Fresh Start Diner.  Mickey has posted pics of the event on north coast multisports facebook page.

Hope to see all of you again next year!

Shamrock 5K & 15K


Colleen 2nd age group 24:02


Alex – 1st age group, 7th overall, Time 1:02:33

Paul L. – 3rd age group, 24th overall, Time 1:07:12

Jim – 2nd age group, Time 1:27:42

Chrissy – 16th age group, Time 1:29:56

Henry- 7th age group, Time 1:35:53

Welcome Xterra Wetsuits

We would like to welcome Xterra Wetsuits as a new team sponsor. They offer a  great product, at a very reasonable price, with a 30 day size guarantee.

Click on the word sponsors in the banner at the top of Team ER`s home page to learn more about them.

Indoor Triathlon at LifeCenter Plus

A job well done by all those who participated in the LifeCenter Plus Indoor Tri,  that was hosted by Team ER

The Overall Winners were:

  • Lindsey Lorson – 14.01 miles
  • Vern Blase –  15.31 miles


The finishers with the best distances for each discipline were as follows


  • Lindsey Lorson – 23.50 laps
  • Vern Blaze – 23.50 Laps


  • Lindsey Lorson – 10.89 miles
  • Vern Blaze – 11.69 miles


  • Nicole Joy – 2.78 miles
  • Joshua Berry – 3.00 miles
  • Kevin Lautzenheiser – 3.00 miles

Kudos also go out to our most seasoned athletes Jon Held (70 – 75) and Rae Brooks (60-64) who also pushed the youngsters today.

We have created a photo album on the North Coast Multisports Face Book page under LifeCenter Plus Indoor Tri.

Thanks to all of the Team ER Members who helped to organize the race today.


Team ER Welcomes Our New Sponsor, Earth Fare

The healthy supermarket, is one of the largest natural and organic food retailers in the nation. We know that delicious food does not have to be unhealthy with artificial ingredients.  Click on their name to visit their web site. Also learn more about them by clicking on the word sponsor in the banner at the top of ER`s home page.

Pedaling For a Purpose – Pedal For Heroes 2013

Jerry Lynch, Henry Hauenstein  and Angelica Campos rode for a special promo of Pedal For Heroes which aired on Cleveland’s FOX 8 on Wednesday morning 2/20/2013.  Team ER’s own Angelica Campos is a meteorologist on Fox News.

The Pedal For Heroes event was held at health and fitness facilities at 14 locations across Northeast Ohio this past Sunday to help raise money to help with local veterans issues and honor the 276 Ohio fallen soldiers since 9/11.


Watch the special promo that aired.


From left to right Paul, Jerry, Cassie, Henry, Angelica, Steve and Wally
