July 4th Races

Twin Sizzler Medina Bike road race

Marie Rote – 2nd place expert division

Paul Dowd – 10th place age group field finish

Henry Hauenstein – 5th place age group field finish

Twin Sizzler 5k and 10k race

Ken Frankenbery – 5k, 2nd age group time  19:32
10k, 2nd age group time  45:23

Jim Dehner – 10k, 2nd age group

Stow 4 miler

Steve Bable – 7th age group, 78th overall time 29″41

Orrville Firecracker 5k

Ray Fryan – 1st age group, 10th overall time 19:44

North Canton 5 miler

Zia Snyder – I ran North Canton’s 4th of July 5 mile race.  For the 6th anniversary of my Dad’s passing, my mom and I decided to run it together.  My mom is a breast cancer survivor and 5 miles is the most she has ran since all of the chemo and surgeries have ended.  The weather was unbearable and it took an hour for us to finish, but it was the most rewarding race to be able to finish with her.

Twin Sizzler July 4th 5 & 10 K races

submitted by Ken Frankenbery

I have been doing the 4th Bike race in Medina for years- this year decided to mix it up, and do the 5k & 10 K running races back to back.

The weather made it tough- 80 degrees at the start of 5k at 745am, by the time we started 10k (9am)- it was 90 and humid.

I did not get the warm up I wanted (big line to sign up)- so after a 10 minute warm up, got to the starting line only to sit for 10 minutes because people were still at sign up, and they delayed start. When we finally took off- it felt like a heart attack! Lots of high school runners make this a tough event. I got into a good rhythm at 1/2point, and was holding a 6:20 pace. As we headed back to square (uphill) – you could really feel the heat (out in sun the whole time) – but finished strong at 19:32 -2nd in my class (guy won with a 17:53 wow!), and 23rd overall out of 609.

The hardest part of doing the 10k is the 50 minute wait between races. Did a short warm up, and when the gun went off, could really feel the heat and humidity- so tried to keep a steady 7:15 pace. Felt surprising good for most of race, but last mile, the sun was really beating down, ended up slowing slightly, and finishing in 45.23 (7.19 pace)- 2nd in my class, and 19th overall, out of over 200- a solid result after the 5k, with the conditions!

Miltonman Tri

Henry Hauenstein – Olympic distance, 1st age group, 34th overall time 2:32:25

Brenda O`Hara – Sprint distance, 2nd age group, 17th overall time 1:42:45

Wally Schleper – Sprint distance, 5th age group, time 1:38