Tallmadge Memorial 5K – May 26, 2012

Huge shout out to the following Team ER members for their help at the Tallmadge Memorial 5k race put on by Ritchies Sporting Goods.

Josh Ritchie, who directed it all! Steve Bable, Ken and Karen Frankenbery, Henry Hauenstein, Ron Hudas and family, Jerry Lynch, Craig Miloscia, Wally Schlepper, Chris Schmauder, Cassie Schumacher, and Chip Wilson.

ER members who also ran…

Ken… 3rd age group time of 19:19
Chip…2nd age group time of 18:07
Henry… 13th age group time of 27:09

Tallmadge 5K – Ken Frankenberry

Tallmadge 5K- 5-28-2012

After volunteering the last 2 years and seeing what a well-run, great event it is- I put it on my schedule for 2012.

Race morning was a warm 70+ and sunny, got there early to pre run the loop and catch up with Henry & the other Team ER members- it was great to see so many team members there! Surprisingly there are more hills that you see from start/ finish line on the course, got a solid warm up, and when the gun went off, felt good. Was in the top 30, and after first mile started picking off a few people who went out too hard. I did have someone drafting me (very close!) and reason it was so noticeably, He was breathing so hard I was worried about Him sucking the Team ER jersey right off my back!! I try to never look back in a race, but after mile 2, I had to turnaround to see who the heavy breather was. He looked familiar, but He had grey hair and a grey beard- and figured He must be in my age group or close!

As we hit the top off the hill at about mile 2.75, He was stuck to me like glue. I knew the finish was all downhill, and had long ago decided I was not going to let this guy draft me all the way , then pass me at finish! I let it fly down the hill, and could slowly hear the deep breathing fade away- mission accomplished.

Mr. Heavy breather ended up pushing me to new PR of 19:19, after race was over found He had beat me in 5k I did in Strongsville earlier this year, so was happy on seeing that, but disappointed that for some reason my time was not computed on results.

I should have had 3rd in my age group, and 26th overall, out of 276 runners. A great result and great event!

Clay’s Park

Clay’s Park

A good “first of the season” race.  Swim was very calm and flat. The reservoir is only about 5 feet deep so the water had warmed up.  The start was a little confusing.  Looked some of the newbee’s didn’t get the wave concept and all started at once —  just made for more fun in the water.  The bike course was rolling hills and, with the exception of the entry way into the park, was in pretty good condition. Thanks to all the police who were controlling traffic.   The run course was just plain interesting.  The loop around the lake was OK but the road was in pretty bad shape in some spots, really had watch the footing.  All that said it was a fun day and good to see a lot of people out for the event.  (Thanks to Jim for this review)

Angelica Campos, 3rd age group, time of 1:26:16 28th overall female

Jim Dehner, 3rd age group, time 1:20:05 34th overall of males over 40

Mark Gorris, 3rd age group, time 1:00:37 6th overall of males over 40

Henry Hauenstein, 3rd age group, time 1:13:03 12 overall of males over 40

Paul Lenz, 6th age group, time 1:06:29 12 overall of males over 40