11/1/2020 Buckeye Half Marathon and 10K Peninsula, Ohio


Buckeye Half Marathon and 10K

Peninsula, Ohio

Half Marathon

Loretta Harland

Finish Time:  2:06:18

Overall Place 76th Place

Division Place:  1st Place


Scott Orlando

Finish Time:  46:24

Overall Place:  14th Place

Division Place 2nd Place

Mike Williams

Finish Time:  54:26

Overall Place: 36th Place

Division Place:  7th Place

Steve Zenar

Finish Time:  57:55

Overall Place: 49th Place

Division Place:  4th Place

Jill Bidwell McCauslin

Finish Time:  1:15:08

Overall Place: 90th Place

Division Place:  1st Place

Virtual 10K

Mike Pastva

Finish Time:  1:05:51

Race Review By Scott Orlando

250 brave runners took to the streets on a wet and windy morning in Peninsula, Ohio to compete in the Buckeye Half Marathon and 10K.  I have competed in this event in the past in both distances and decided this year to go with the 10K distance.  For me the second loop of the half marathon course gets a little boring so I prefer the 10K option for this particular race.  Race conditions were tough with temperatures in the mid 40’s strong steady winds with occasional heavy wind gusts and cold blowing rain.   Because of the challenging conditions I wasn’t looking for a PR or to push at maximum speed.  Instead I wanted to just survive the race and live to run another day.  I started with a strong first mile around a 7 minute mile pace.   My GPS watched glitched up and lost track of me at the end of the first mile so for the remainder of the race my splits were off and I didn’t have a real accurate idea of my pace.   In the second mile my music stopped playing and I was unable to get it to turn back on as the face of my touch screen watch was wet from the rain and not responding.  I was running blind without data and in solitude without music.  The rain continued to to pour down on the runners throughout the race.  At times it was a drizzle but would quickly turn heavy and come down sideways with the wind.   Runners were shielded from the strong winds by the trees and valley for most of the first 4 miles or so of the course.   In the 5th mile when the course opened up near Salayz’s Farm there was no protection from the wind and runners were really challenged as they ran directly into it.  Strong wind gusts actually pushed me side to side as they hit me.   The winds, rain, and hills in the last mile of the race slowed my pace some but I pushed through it.  The course leveled out and got a little faster as I neared the finished.  I was surprised that I was faster then last year on a course that was actually longer.   I finished 14th overall and 2nd in my division.   Team ER had a great showing at the race with 6 members competing including Loretta Harland who won her division in the half marathon, Jill Bidwell McCauslin  who won her division in the 10K, Mike, Williams, Steve Zenar who both did well in the 10K,  and Mike Pastva who competed in the virtual 10K.  The combined efforts of Summit Athletic Club, NC Multisports, And Ritchie’s Sporting Goods made for an excellent and safe race experience for everyone.  All participants received really nice performance tech hoodies and custom finisher medals.


10/24/2020 Scott Orlando and Renee Buckus Race Like A Local 5K Kent, Ohio


Race Like A Local 5K

Kent, Ohio

Scott Orlando

Finish Time: 21:05

Overall Place:  16th Place

Division Place:  2nd Place

Renee Buckus

Finish Time:  28:28

Overall Place:  57th Place

Division Place:  4th Place

Race Review By Scott Orlando

This was my first time competing in the Race Like A Local 5K and the first time the event was held in Kent, Ohio.   The course was the same course used in the Kent Turkey Trot 5K.   The weather was a little damp and chilly but actually pretty good for running.   The race started in the parking lot of Fred Fuller Park with a fast downhill section leading runners to a sharp right turn onto the bike trail along the river.   I wanted to get off to a quick start and take advantage of the early fast downhill section of the course which I did.  I quickly felt like I was running in a high school cross country meet as I was surrounded by young fast runners.  Of the 15 people that finished ahead of me 9 where under 18 years of age.  I hit the first mile marker at 6:30 so I knew I was off to a good start.  I had 2 goals in mind for the race which was to average under a 7:00 minute mile pace and finish under 21:00 minutes.   There was a very slight increase in elevation after the turn around for a half mile stretch or so that slowed me down a little but I was still well within my pace goals.  Just before mile 3 the course takes a left turn up a very steep gravel hill.  I took a little extra time going up the hill to try to keep my heart rate from climbing too high so I would be ready for a sprint to the finish at the top.   I underestimated how the climb would affect my ability to sprint.  I was pretty gassed and wasn’t able to fully push hard to the finish like I had planned.   I went as fast as I could and finished with a time of 21:05 just a few seconds over my goal.   Summit Athletic Club, NC Multisports, and Ritchie’s Sporting Goods all did an outstanding job organizing the race.  All race participants received very nice long sleeve tech shirts.

10/17/2020 Ken Frankenbery, Mike Williams, Steve Zenar, & Loretta Harland Race For The Parks 5K & 10K Hudson, Ohio


Race For The Parks 5K & 10K

Hudson, Ohio

5K Results

Ken Frankenbery

Finish Time:  22:07

Overall Place:  21st Place

Division Place:  2nd Place

Mike Williams

Finish Time:  25:35

Overall Place:  45th Place

Division Place:  4Th Place

Steve Zenar

Finish Time:  26:35

Overall Place:  50th Place

Division Place:  6th Place

10K Results

Loretta Harland

Finish Time:  56:50

Overall Place:  57th Place

Division Place:  3rd Place

Race Recap By Ken Frankenbery:

This was my first real race in 2020.  Sign up on line, pick up number plate at local running store,  you get assigned a starting time, show up, masks on at all times when not running, they sent runners off in small groups of 15-stagered by 6 feet. After no awards,( they mail them ) or lingering at finish, grab a banana and go- they text you results ( that works fine for me)
The loop was a trail around Hudson Lake –gravel & packed dirt-lots of hills.
I was in one of last waves- good thing was guy who started in front of me was just about my speed- so we worked our way thru traffic together. I was pushing hard to catch him , so that kept me motivated- bad thing was guy who started right behind me was in my age group and also motivated trying to catch me ( he did not ) but did beat me by 1 second!
Time was 22:07- 22nd overall out of 100. Is this they way racing will be in the future? Not sure- but for me, I race to push out of my comfort zone-mission accomplished!

10/11/2020 Christine Churpek, Amy Stumpf, Scott Orlando, Loretta Harland Towpath Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K Valley View, Ohio


Towpath Marathon, Half Marathon, and 10K

Valley View, Ohio


Christine Churpek

Finish Time:  3:33:23

Overall Place 6th Place

Division Place 1st Place

Christine qualified for the Boston Marathon!

Amy Stumpf

Finish Time:  3:37:17

Overall Place:  10th Place

Division Place:  2nd Overall Female Masters

Amy qualified for the Boston Marathon!

Half Marathon

Scott Orlando

Finish Time:  1:40:34

Overall Place:  37th Place

Division Place:  5th Place


Loretta Harland

Finish Time:  57:50

Overall Place:  20th Place

Division Place 1st Place

Race Review By Scott Orlando

This was my first time running the Towpath Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K Race in Valley View, Ohio.  In a time when most marathons are being cancelled the stars seemed to align perfectly for this race.  The COIVD safety protocols were approved to allow the race to happen, the weather was near perfect, and the runners were ready to take on the Towpath Trail.   As race time neared it dawned on me that I have only competed in two other half marathon events as a regular runner of the Akron Half Marathon and once at the Buckeye Half Marathon.  This got my nerves going a bit as I made my final race day preparations.  When I approached the start line my thought process was to run run an enjoyable pace and not worry about my finish time.   I was in the very last heat of half marathon runners so I was expecting the course to be fairly full.   The gun went off and I was well on my way.  I hit the first mile marker running at a 7:09 pace which felt fine at the time but I knew I didn’t want to try to maintain that pace the entire race.  The next few mile markers went by and I slowed down but not to my planned race pace.  I was feeling very strong and smooth.  I knew I could maintain the pace for 8 or maybe 10 miles but probably not 13.1 so I kept backing down the pace.  When I hit mile 10 I realized according to my GPS watch that I was surprisingly trending towards a personal record so I decided to go for it and rev up the pace.  Each mile of the last 3 was stronger than the next.  I knew to hit a personal record I had to be faster than a 7:40 mile pace.  My GPS watch was feeding me data that included my average pace which now had me approaching the finish at an average pace of 7:33 per mile.  I knew I had a chance so I increased speed again.  As my watch notified me that I was at 13 miles I quickly realized that the mileage was not accurate and in sink with the course markings and I had some work left to do.  When I finished my GPS had me at running 13.45 miles at a 7:29 average mile pace.  Of course the official standings and timing are what really counts and I finished the course in 1:40:34 just off of my pace for a personal record.  I felt strong the entire race and am very happy with my performance.   The race was well organized with plenty of hydration stations.  The course was mostly flat and fast with a few bridges to add some elevation changes.  The fall foliage and canals made for beautiful scenery and a wonderful run.   It was great to see other Team ER members Christine Churpek and Amy Stumpf out on the course doing so well and achieving Boston qualifying times.   Loretta Harland was out there on the 10K course winning her division but I never actually saw her.

10/2/2020 Team ER Century September Challenge

  • The September Team ER challenge was all about 100! The goal was to complete 100 miles of activity!

The Rules:

Complete 100 miles of activity between September 1st and September 30th.
Choose one activity or multiple activities to complete your 100 miles.  For example walk 100 miles, run 50 miles and bike 50 miles, walk 25 miles, run 25 miles, bike 25 miles and paddle 25 miles. Any single activity or combination works!
Team ER Members Completing The Challenge:
Kevin Christensen 103 Total Miles
Jobadiah Christiansen 445 Total Miles
Christine Churpek 188 Total Miles
Ken Frankenbery 435 Total Miles
Loretta Harland 109 Total Miles
Asad Khan 270 Total Miles
Roy Miller 160 Total Miles
Scott Orlando 122 Total Miles
Gretchen Snyder 110 Total Miles
Amy Stumpf 180 Total Miles
Mike Williams 107 Total Miles
Steve Zenar 126 Total Miles

9/28/2020 Team ER Asad’s Ascent Challenge


Team ER Asad’s Ascent Challenge

This challenge elevated Team ER training sessions to new heights!
The challenge was created by Team ER member Asad Khan.
The Asad’s Ascent Challenge was a two week challenge.
The Rules:
  • *  The first week of the challenge was to set your elevation gain bench mark for the second week.
  • *  Record and chart your total elevation gain for all of your training sessions for the first week. A GPS, smart phone or fitness tracking device was needed to complete this challenge.
  • *  Your total elevation gain for the first week was your goal to beat for the second week of the challenge. As an example if your total elevation gain for the first week is 500 ft of elevation, your goal for week two of the challenge will be 501 ft of elevation.
  • *  Team ER members could choose any mode of exercise to complete the challenge including running, walking, biking, or any combination.

Team ER Members Completing The Challenge:

Ken Frankenbery       Week One 6,046 ft      Week Two 5,694 ft

Asad Khan             Week One 1,703 ft      Week Two 3,512 ft

Scott Orlando         Week One 520 ft      Week Two 747 ft

Steve Zenar           Week One 554 ft      Week Two 660 ft

Gretchen Snyder       3,169 ft of Total Elevation

919/2020 Scott Orlando Coolville Paddle Sports Race Coolville, Ohio


Coolville Paddle Sports Race

Coolville, Ohio

8.4 mile canoe, kayak, and paddle board race

Scott Orlando

Finish Time:  1:26:34

Overall Place:  7th overall kayak

Division Place:  2nd place

Race Review By Scott Orlando

This was my first time competing in the Coolville Paddle Sports Race.   I haven’t been kayaking as much as I would normally like in order to prepare for a race like this but with so few races happening this year I decided I would give it a shot.  Many kayak racers have stated that this is one of their favorite races in Ohio and after my experience at the race I can now certainly understand why.  The race takes place on the Lower Hocking River close to the Ohio West Virginia Border.  The course starts with 4.2 miles of up river paddling with a tight turnaround under a bridge followed by another 4.2 miles back to the finish line.  The river is fairly wide with little to know current .  I actually didn’t see much difference at all in the water speed from the up river to the down river sections.  The race was very small this year and scaled down due to the pandemic.  The total race field was about 20 paddlers.   I think the cold temperatures, scaled down race, and pandemic kept a lot of recreational as well as competitive paddlers at home.  I will say that the paddlers that were there were some of the best in the area which made for a very fast race field.   The only kayak races I have completed at this distance have been all down river so my plan was to start a little slower and hopefully rely on my cardio training to help me pass other kayakers in the later parts of the race as they became fatigued.  It was a good plan in theory but in practice didn’t work so well as the strong field of paddlers never slowed down.   The race classes adhered to strict USCA guidelines. I raced my Stellar SR Multi Sport which was in the touring class that included kayaks 18′ – 20′ in length.  I finished 2nd in the class well off the pace of the winner of the class who also finished 4th overall.   I really enjoyed the course and thought the race was really well organized.  Hopefully the race will bounce back strong next year with a larger field that I plan to be a part of.