4/19/2020 2020 Team ER Farlek Challenge


2020 Team ER Farlek Challenge.

The goal of this challenge was to incorporate at least 15 Fartleks (unstructured intervals) into training sessions of any mode of endurance exercise.

Once the Fartleks were completed a silly picture with the title I Farleked And I Liked It was required to be posted on our Team ER Facebook page to complete the challenge.

Team ER members completing the challenge:

Renee Buckus
Kevin Christensen
Jobadiah Christiansen
Christine Churpek
Ken Frankenbery
Loretta Harland
Michael Homula
Asad Khan
Jill Bidwell McCauslin
Molly Menton
Roy Miller
Russ Neubert
Scott Orlando
Mike Pastva
Gretchen Snyder
Amy Stumpf
Mike Williams
Steve Zenar

4/18/2020 Christine Churpek Runs Her Own One Woman Tree City Marathon


Tree City Marathon

Christine Churpek

Finish Time 3:43:55

Christine Churpek wasn’t going to let the COVID-19 crisis ruin her marathon dreams so she decided to do something about it.  Christine had been training for months to make an attampt at a Boston marathon qualifying run.  When all of the spring marathons were cancelled she decided to create her own one woman marathon.  Sure it wasn’t a sanctioned official race but it was a truly inspiring effort that brought much of the Kent running community together.

Here is a link to an article published about Christine’s marathon:


Photos, videos, and other information regarding Christine’s Tree City Marathon can also be found on the Facebook event page.

Here is the link to the event page:


4/12/2020 Team ER 4 Mile Prediction Run Challenge


4 Mile Prediction Run Challenge.

Team ER members predicted their finish time in a 4 mile run / walk.

The goal was to be closest to your predicted finish time.


Place Name Predicted Time Actual Time Variance
1 Ken Frankenbery 0:35:00 0:34:43 0:00:17
2 Gretchen Snyder 0:38:00 0:37:41 0:00:19
3 Mike Williams 0:34:00 0:33:32 0:00:28
4 Mike Pastva 1:13:00 1:13:30 0:00:30
5 Mike Homula 0:38:15 0:37:38 0:00:37
6 Keven Christensen 0:40:00 0:39:19 0:00:41
7 Steve Zenar 0:37:00 0:36:05 0:00:55
8 Jill Bidwell McCauslin 1:13:00 1:14:00 0:01:00
9 Jobadiah Christiansen 0:30:36 0:31:38 0:01:02
10 Roy Miller 0:34:40 0:33:34 0:01:06
11 Scott Orlando 0:31:57 0:30:41 0:01:19
12 Russ Neubert 0:30:00 0:31:53 0:01:53
13 Molly Menton 0:42:00 0:39:24 0:02:36
14 Loretta Harland 0:43:30 0:40:12 0:03:18
15 Renee Buckus 1:20:00 1:16:00 0:04:00
16 Christine Churpek 1:12:00 1:17:00 0:05:00

Congratulations to Ken Frankebery who was closest to his predicted time and is the winner of the 2020 Team ER 4 Mile Prediction Challenge!

4/5/2020 Team ER 15K Challenge

4/5/2020 – 4/12/2020

The Team ER 15K Challenge.

Team ER members had one week to run / walk a total of 15K.

The challenge could be completed in one training session or broken up into several.

Team ER members completing the challenge:

Kevin Christensen
Jobadiah Christiansen
Christine Churpek
Ken Frankenbery
Loretta Harland
Asad Khan
Jill Bidwell McCauslin
Molly Menton
Roy Miller
Russ Neubert
Scott Orlando
Mike Pastva
Amy Stumpf
Mike Williams
Steve Zenar


3/29/2020 The 2020 Team ER 5K Challenge

3/29/2020 – 4-5-2020

The 2020 Team ER 5K Challenge

Team ER members had one week to complete two 5K’s with a goal of running the second 5K faster than the first 5K.

Team ER members completing the challenge:

Renee Buckus
Kevin Christensen
Jobadiah Christiansen
Christine Churpek
Ken Frankenbery
Loretta Harland
Michael Homula
Asad Khan
Jill Bidwell McCauslin
Molly Menton
Roy Miller
Scott Orlando
Mike Pastva
Amy Stumpf
Mike Williams
Steve Zenar

3/1/2020 Asad Khan, Mike Pastva, and Amy Stumpf Summa Indoor Triathlon


Summa Indoor Triathlon

Hudson, Ohio

10 minute swim, 25 minute bike, and 20 minute run.

Asad Khan

Finish Total:  27 Points

Overall Place:  3rd Place

Gender Place:  3rd Place

Mike Pastva

Finish Total:  47 Points

Overall Place:  14th Place

Gender Place:  10th Place

Amy Stumpf

Finish Total:  60 Points

Overall Place:  21st Place

Gender Place:  8th Place

2/8/2020 Mike Williams, Mike Pastva, and Scott Orlando Frostbite 5K Prediction Race Munroe Falls, Ohio


Frostbite 5K Prediction Race

Munroe Falls, Ohio

Scott Orlando

Overall Place:  39th

Predicted Time:  23:55

Actual Time: 24:42

Variance:  :47

Mike Williams

Overall Place:  46th

Predicted Time:  24:00

Actual Time:  24:50

Variance:  :50

Mike Pastva

Overall Place:  119th

Predicted Time:  34:43

Actual Time:  38:17

Variance:  3:34

Race Recap by Scott Orlando

Once again the Frostbite 5K Prediction Race lived up to its name.  Race time temperatures hovered in the mid 20’s.  Fortunately there was little to no wind so running conditions were actually pretty good.  City crews were scrambled early to plow and salt the park roads just prior to the start of the race attempting to remove Ice and snow from the previous few night’s storms.  The road was a mix of dry and wet payment with plenty of long stretches of snow and ice that the plow trucks were unable to remove.  Footing became challenging in some sections of the 2 loop course particularly heading up the hillier sections of the course.  I debated pre race to go with full Yaktrax on my shoes, no traction devices, or the new Quick Trax.  Seeing that a lot of the bare road was exposed I thought the full Yaktrax would be too much so I went with the minimalist Quick Trax.  They seemed to work well and give me a little bit more traction when needed.  The first lap of the race I felt like I was running faster then my predicted time so I slowed down for the second lap.  I found that traction on the hills was much worse on the second lap probably as a result of the race traffic and salt on the roads turning ice into slush.  I probably misjudged the amount of effort I was putting out running on the soft snow and Ice along with the amount of push I was getting off the slushy mix and slowed my pace too much to finish 47 seconds off of my predicted time.  I found the run to be very enjoyable with beautiful winter scenery around every turn of the semi frozen lake.  Summit Athletic Runner’s Club did an outstanding job organizing the race.  There were mounds of prizes with more then enough for the 200 participants.  Prizes included over $1000 worth of race entries for future SARC races, The Hall of Fame Marathon and the Akron Marathon Race Series.