11/3/2019 Scott Orlando And Christine Churpek Buckeye Half Marathon And 10K Peninsula, Ohio


Buckeye Half Marathon And 10K

Peninsula, Ohio

Scott Orlando

Buckeye 10K

Finish Time:  46:36

Overall Place:  17th Place

Division Place:  4th Place

Christine Churpek

Buckeye 10K

Finish Time:  50:45

Overall Place:  33rd

Division Place:  1st Place

Race Recap By Scott Orlando:

It was a chilly start to the 2019 Buckeye Half Marathon and 10K.  This year’s race field included just over 500 runners with a fairly even split between half marathon and 10K participants.  The completion of several road construction projects allowed for the original all paved road course to be used.  10K runners completed 1 loop of the course while the half marathoners ran an additional loop before heading to the finish.  The course is fast and flat with only one hilly area near the end.  Although air temperatures where cold, running conditions were pleasant with little to no wind.  This was my third time running this race.  I ran the half marathon a few years ago and the 10K last year.  I prefer the 10K for this race as I personally find the second loop of the course to get a little boring.  I started out faster than I expected clocking a 6:45 first mile.  To my surprise my second mile was also just under 7:00 minutes.  At the 3 mile marker I was at 21:04.  I actually couldn’t believe how comfortable and efficiently I was running at that pace.   I continued the next few miles at just over a 7:00 mile pace and slowed down a bit on the hill in the last full mile.   I finished with a time of 46:36 which was about 90 seconds faster then last year.  My GPS had the race distance at 6.55 miles as did a few other people I talked to after the race.  According to my GPS I averaged a 7:07 mile pace which I am very happy with.  Team ER Member Christine Churpek also ran the 10K and was awarded a box of delicious chocolate buckeyes for winning her division.  The race was very well organized by Summit Athletic Runners Club.  Team ER’s Mickey Rzymek expertly handled the MC duties for the race.  Team ER member Chris Brown donated her time to the race and handed out chocolate buckeyes as part of the post race snacks.  All runners received awesome performance hoodies which I think are my favorite piece of race swag for 2019! All runners also received custom finisher medals.


10/29/2019 Mike Williams Fall Running Series Race #5 Peninsula, Ohio


Fall Running Series Race #5

Peninsula, Ohio

4.46 Mile Trail Run Race

Mike Williams

Finish Time:  40:48

During the race a power outage occurred knocking out the timing system.  For this reason no official times or places where awarded for the Fall Running Series Race #5.

Mike Williams finished 7th overall in his division in the final standings of the Fall Running Series.

10/5/2019 Christine Churpek and Scott Orlando Run Now Wine Later Canton, Ohio


Run Now Wine Later

Gervasi Vineyard Canton, Ohio

4.5 Mile Run Race

Scott Orlando

Finish Time:  33:09

Overall Place 6th Place

Division Place 2nd Place

Christine Churpek

Finish Time:  35:12

Overall Place:  17th Place

Division Place:  1st Place

Race Review By Scott Orlando

There are very few settings for a race in Ohio nicer then Gervasi Vineyards.  I have competed in this race several times in the past and it is always one of my favorites.  The weather was a little cool at the start but made for excellent racing conditions.  The course is mostly on the paths of Gervasi and surrounding area.  The paths in most areas appeared to be repaired with the gravel firmly adhering to an under layer of asphalt making for better grip and a faster surface then the previous loose crushed limestone.  I wasn’t sure how my legs would feel being less then a week out from the Akron Marathon.  To my surprise I felt fast and strong.  My first mile was under 7 minutes which had me quickly out front with the top 5 – 7 runners. The top 3 runners created some distance from the rest of the race field leaving me with a small group of runners competing for the remaining top spots.  Crossing the last street to pick up the trail on the other side a runner in front of me failed to follow the course and turned right down the street instead of straight to pick up the trail.  The police woman tried to alert him to his mistake but he was wearing headphones and could not hear her.  I yelled loudly twice and got his attention.  He realized his mistake and corrected his course.  I stopped my run and allowed him to get back ahead of me with the lead he had on me prior to the mistake.  He appreciated the sportsmanship and gave me quick high five.  With about a half mile to go I passed a runner who was running hard but was slowing down as my final mile pace was increasing.  I was then able to catch up to the other runner that I helped correct his course and passed him as well.  I managed a 7:09 final mile making my first and last miles the fastest of the race.  I thought I had secured 5th overall and 1st in my age group but the last runner I passed started deep in the pack so his chip time was actually 5 seconds faster then mine even though I crossed the finish line first.  He was awarded 5th overall and 1st in the age division while I was just behind him finishing 6th overall and 2nd in the division.  Had I not stopped to help him on the course I certainly would have won the division but I believe I did the right thing in allowing him to regain his position on me after the mistake.  Overall I was very happy with my finish time and how I felt running.  Run Canton once again put on an excellent race with awesome race swag.