9/28/2019 Ken Frankenbery Crystal River Sprint Triathlon Race Series Race #3 Crystal River, FL


Crystal River Sprint Triathlon Race Series Race #3

Crystal River, FL

Ken Frankenbery

Finish Time:  1:12:29

Overall Place:  24 / 228

Division Place 1st Place

Race Review By Ken Frankenbery:

Hot muggy weather was to be expected. Its been 90+ in Florida with lots of humidity. But what was unexpected was cancelling swim because of high bacterial counts from a bird infestation the day before (not an uncommon thing these days unfortunately)

That made it a run/bike/run, which is a plus for me (solid runner- poor swimmer)

The race went well as I won my age group and finished 24th overall. I had a very close race with second place finisher.  I have to admit if it was a regular Tri (with swim), my chances to win it would have been slim!


9/28/2019 Christine, Scott, Jobadiah, Asad, Roy, and Gretchen Akron Marathon, Half Marathon, and Relay Akron, Ohio


Akron Marathon, Half Marathon, and Relay

Akron, Ohio

Full Marathon

Scott Orlando

Finish Time:  4:06:33

Overall Place:  236 / 964

Division Place :  25 / 78

Christine Churpek

Finish Time:  4:09:02

Overall Place:  242 / 964

Division Place :  57 / 353

Half Marathon

Jobadiah Christiansen

Finish Time:  1:17:52

Overall Place:  19 / 3223

Division Place :  8 / 163

Asad Khan

Finish Time:  1:52:17

Overall Place:  468 / 3223

Division Place :  34 / 149

Roy Miller

Finish Time:  1:52:32

Overall Place:  473 / 3223

Division Place:  56 / 186

Team Relay

All Female Team The Fast And The Girlious

Gretchen Snyder

Finish Time:  3:44:46

Overall Place:  103 / 895

Division Place :  8 / 154

Race Recap By Scott Orlando

This was my 3rd time competing  in the Akron Full Marathon.  I was encouraged and excited to take on the new course which featured an overall negative elevation.  The fine people at the Akron Marathon recognized the need for a course change as participation numbers over the last few years have steadily declined with runners gravitating towards faster flatter courses in the hopes of qualifying for Boston and other marathons.  A new wrinkle this year was that the start was moved to Stan Hywet Hall requiring runners to park downtown Akron and take shuttles to the start.  The start of the race was changed to 7:30 to allow for more time for the shuttle ride to the start.  The shuttles went off without a hitch.  Stan Hywet made for a nice pre race staging area.  Just before the start of the race it began to rain and a rainbow shot across the sky which made for a memorable beginning of the race.  The first 5 – 6 miles were mostly downhill making for a fast start for most runners.  The rain stopped quickly but left very humid conditions with temperatures already in the low 70’s.  As the race moved on the clouds began to part and the sun came out quickly increasing temperatures into the 80’s.  I was going along just fine actually ahead of my desired pace for the first 13 -15 miles which I had planned for knowing I would slow down late in the race from fatigue.  Miles 16 – 19 were pretty much one long steady up hill climb.  I hit this section of the course just as the sun came out.  I completed what I felt was the hardest part of the entire course feeling heavily fatigued.  I knew the worst hills were past me so I regrouped and kept moving forward.  About 22 miles into the race I was on pace to finish with a nice PR but then things went wrong quickly.  The heat and hills took their toll on me and my calves started cramping.  I tried my best to work past the cramps but they got worse.  I was forced to walk to reduce the cramps.  I managed through the last 4 miles of the race by running when I could and walking when I had to.  I was determined to finish.  I was actually surprised at how many runners I saw that took to walking in these late miles.  I was disappointed that I was forced to finish this way but I am certainly proud that I stayed with it to indeed finish.  As always, the race was well organized and every detail was covered.  After having a few days to think about the new course I don’t think it made a lot of difference on producing faster times.  Even though there was a negative elevation in the course, a lot of that came in the early miles.  There were less hills at the end of the course to deal with but the middle section was very tough.  I wasn’t a big fan of doubling back through Stan Hywet either.  The challenge with Akron is that in general it is hilly.  I think I expected a much faster new course then what was offered.  Perhaps next year they can tweak miles 16-20 a little better.  I do understand that the high temperature and humidity were huge factors in how difficult the race was and that the race officials have no control over that.  I would like to see them bring back the finisher jackets and finisher gift that they used to provide.

Race Recap By Gretchen Snyder:

I ran the Akron marathon relay leg 4, which was approximately 6.6 miles. It started at Wolf Ledges and ended at the Towpath trail. The first four miles felt like a gradual uphill, also at which point the sun came out and humidity increased. I felt like walking so many times, but then I met the two Akron Children’s hero’s on my route, gave them hugs and high fives and had a renewed spring in my step.

Our team did really well, especially considering our first leg runner was coming off an injury and two others were last minute subs. We ended up placing 8th out of 154 all-female relay teams. Our average team pace was 8:35 and we finished just over 3:44.

9/21/2019 Scott Orlando Ledges To The Lake Adventure Triathlon Hinckley, Ohio


Ledges To The Lake Adventure Triathlon

Hinckley, Ohio

3.4 mile run, 2 mile kayak, and 9 mile bike.

Scott Orlando

Finish Time:  1:15:48

Overall Place 3rd Place

Division Place:  1st Place

Race Recap By Scott Orlando:

This was the 8th year for the Ledges To The Lake Adventure Triathlon and my 5th or 6th time competing in the race.  The race starts with a 3.4 mile run around the lake on the paved trails and hard packed dirt trails.  I found myself with the lead pack of runners which were mainly relay teams and a 3-4 solo runners.  I was the 3rd or 4th solo racer into the kayak.  My 19″3′ Stellar SR Multisport Surfski was a rocket ship compared to the  slower shorter kayaks that most of the racers ahead of me were paddling.  I quickly found myself passing all of the other solo racers and was the first solo kayak to reach the bike transition area.  I didn’t realize at the start of the bike leg that I was currently in first place.  I knew that there were racers ahead of me on the course but I didn’t know that they were all relay teams.  A mile into the bike course I was passed be the eventual overall winner.  A second racer passed me on the bike at mile 5.  I tried to stay with them but both were just too fast on the bike.  I was able to finish 3rd overall and beat my best race time (set a new course PR) by over 3 minutes.  I believe this is my highest overall finish place in any triathlon I have competed in so far.  The race officials only awarded 1st place overall and no 2nd or 3rd place overall so I received an award medal for finishing 1st my age division.  All participants received long sleeve hooded t-shirts which were a fresh twist to the same old race swag.  Cleveland Metroparks once again did a nice job organizing the race.

9/8/2019 Christine Churpek Erie Marathon Erie, PA


Erie Marathon

Presque Isle Erie, PA

Christine Churpek

Finish Time:  3:57:05

Overall Place:  790 / 1301

Division Place:  49 / 105

Race Recap By Christine Churpek:

I completed my 2nd full marathon yesterday at the Erie Marathon . It was perfect weather, a very flat course, beautiful scenery, and even though I was not even close to a Boston qualifying time,  I hit my goal of under 4 hours and a 7 minute PR so I’m happy with that. Now it’s time to get stronger, train harder and run smart! Thank you to all my friends that trained with me for last 18 weeks and to those who came out to support me yesterday! I seriously could not have done this without you!

9/2/2019 Gretchen Snyder Faithful Servants 5K Tallmadge, Ohio


Faithful Servants 5K

Tallmadge, Ohio

Gretchen Snyder

Finish Time:  23:52

Overall Place:  19th Place

Division Place:  1st Place

Race Recap By Gretchen Snyder:

For being the third annual race, having 228 participants is a good number, and it’s becoming more competitive. It’s a relatively flat course (102 feet elevation gain) which yields faster finish times. They had a water station half way, plus bananas and homemade cookies at the finish. Most of the proceeds go right back to Faithful Servants, a medical clinic in Tallmadge which provides free care for uninsured individuals.

I ran a 23:52; not my fastest, but with the rain and high humidity, I’m good with it. Overall, I placed 19 of 165 runners, fourth overall female and first in my age group.

9/1/2019 Ken Frankenbery Dirty Duathlon, Peninsula, Ohio


Dirty Duathlon

Peninsula, Ohio

5 mile trail run and 8 mile mountain bike

Ken Frankenbery

Finish Time:  1:39:54

Overall Place:  8th Place

Division Place: 2nd Place

Race Recap By Ken Frankenbery:

This was my first Mountain bike race in years.  There were 48 solo racers,  They also had an option for relay teams this year.   I finished 8th overall.  They only had a 50+ class where I finished a close second there.

It’s a hilly 5 mile trail run along hiking trails, followed by 8 mile mountain bike ride on a very technical loop. Weather was perfect, I saw lots of old friends there making it a great day!

8/17/2019 Michael Homula First Crush 5 Miler Dover, Ohio


First Crush 5 Miler

Dover, Ohio

Michael Homula

Finish Time:  35:37

Overall Place:  4th Place

Division Place:  1st Place

Race Recap By Michael Homula:

Last night, I ran the Ohio Challenge Series First Crush 5 Miler at Breitenbach Winery in Dover. First, the people with EnMotive Ohio and the Ohio Challenge Series did another amazing job putting on this race.

The starting line view of the surrounding rolling hills was amazing and the course was a rolling and challenging course through some beautiful countryside. The first 2.7 or so mile were almost exclusively up hill with a steep and challenging hill from about 1.75 to 2.7 miles. Those hills took their toll for sure.

I finished in 35:37 (7:08 pace), 4th overall and 1st in my age group. The goal was to go under 36:00 but I secretly hoped to break 35:00. Given the challenge of the hills I am very pleased with the outcome.