VR Summa Indoor Triathlon
Hudson, OH
10 minute swim, 25 minute bike, and 20 minute run
Asad Khan
Finish: 36 points
Overall Place 8/21 males
Christine Churpek
Finish: 84 points
Overall Place 10 / 29 females
Northeast Ohio Multi-Sport Team
VR Summa Indoor Triathlon
Hudson, OH
10 minute swim, 25 minute bike, and 20 minute run
Asad Khan
Finish: 36 points
Overall Place 8/21 males
Christine Churpek
Finish: 84 points
Overall Place 10 / 29 females
Louisville St. Patrick’s Day 5K
Louisville, OH
Michael Homula
Finish Time: 21:20
Overall Place: 19th
Division Place: 4th
Race Recap By Michael Homula
There was a good turnout of 298 runners given the colder temps. The course was mostly flat but there were some challenging hill sections that didn’t look like much but were sneaky tough and some 10-15 mph headwinds made the course tougher than it might normally have been.
I did not have as good a day as planned thanks to coming down with a nasty flu 2 weeks ago and missing several important training runs (those tempo/lactate threshold runs are so important for 5k races).
I finished 18th overall and 4th in my age group with a time of 21:20 (20 seconds slower than my last race a month ago).
There is much work to get done in the next several weeks to get that time below 20:30.
As always, I am grateful to run as part of Ohio Team-ER and our outstanding group of sponsors.
Hartville Trail Runs St. Patrick’s Day 5K Trail Race
Quail Hollow Park Hartville, OH
Scott Orlando
Finish Time: 24:45
Overall Place: 19 / 207
Division Place 4/12
Race Recap By Scott Orlando
This was my third year in a row running the Hartville Trail Runs St. Patrick’s Day 5K Trail Race. I think I have returned to this race because it is always well organized, the race swag is great, and it supports a good cause. This year the race organizers listened to suggestions of past participants and adjusted the start of the course to remove the made dash to the trail head which bottle necked most of the field for the first mile. The new start traveled up the road farther spreading out runners before turning onto the trail head. A much needed improvement. Once on the trail conditions went from bad to worse. The ground quickly changed from soft to ankle deep mud in many sections. The thick muddy sections made for extremely difficult running conditions. Several competitors lost shoes stuck in the mud while others fell. I personally stopped twice to check on other runners that had fallen. No one was going to finish with a fast time under the tough conditions. My mind set quickly went from running hard and fast to running safe and trying to avoid injury. This is the only trail race I typically compete in each year so I have not yet invested in trail running shoes which gave a certain advantage to anyone wearing them. Luckily I finished without incident and lived to run another day. For the second year in a row I finished in 4th place in my age division. I did manage to move up from 26th to 19th overall.
SARC Shamrock 15K
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Christine Churpek
Finish Time: 1:24:04
Overall Place: 55/107
Division Place: 2nd Place / 7
Mike Williams
Finish Time: 1:21:32
Overall Place: 47/107
Division Place: 5/10
Road Apple Roubaix 15 mile, 25 mile, and 40 mile bike event
Garrettsville, Ohio
Ken Frankenbery
40 mile bike
Finish Time: 2:35:00
Race recap by Ken Frankenbery
I did this ride last year, and loved the mix. Paved roads, dirt roads, gravel roads, bike path, and lots of climbing through Amish country which makes for a really unique ride.
This year’s conditions were almost ideal. 35 degree’s and cloudy kept the dirt semi frozen, roads fast, and no snow.
The bike ride starts in downtown Garrettsville with a police escort out of town.
This year had over 300 riders, and I finished in 2:35, 17 minutes faster than last year.
Frostbite 5K Prediction Race
Munroe Falls, OH
Scott Orlando
Predicted Time: 23:55
Actual Time: 23:57
Overall Place: 2nd Place
Christine Churpek
Predicted Time: 25:57
Actual Time: 25:54
Overall Place: 4th Place
Mike Williams
Predicted Time: 25:30
Actual Time: 24:38
Overall Place: 51st
Gretchen Snyder
Predicted Time: 24:15
Actual Time: 25:14
Overall Place: 58th
Race Review By Scott Orlando
Once again the Frostbite 5K Prediction Race lived up to its name! About 150 dedicated runners braved the cold temps that were in single digits (with wind chill) to test their skills at pacing and predicting their finish times. Team ER had a great showing with 4 runners competing. Christine Churpek made her Team ER race debut with style and enthusiasm finishing 4th overall just 3 seconds off of her predicted time. I finished 2nd overall just 2 seconds off of my predicted time. For me this is always a fun and unusual race. Because most runner including myself tend to choose a predicted race time much slower then their normal 5K race pace, the run feels more like a big group tempo run rather then a race. I personally had to keep telling myself to slow down in order to meet my prediction. Terry Fox and Summit Athletic Running Club have this event dialed in and Josh at Ritchie’s Sporting Goods had the results in record time. Everything was very well organized and planned. A huge thank you to the volunteers that stood in the cold to help.
Sweetheart 5K
Massillon, Ohio
Michael Homula
Finish Time: 21:00
Overall Place: 5th Place
Division Place: 2nd Place
Race Recap by Michael Homula
EnMotive Ohio and Ohio Challenge Series did another great job putting on the Sweetheart Run 5k today. For the second year in a row, the temperatures were frigid and it snowed much of the race which I suspect lessened the turnout (only 138 runners). Still an amazing race.
I finished in exactly 21:00 minutes (6:46 per mile pace).
I was 5th overall and 5th among males.
I finished 2nd in my age group.
So, a pretty good day. I wanted to run slightly faster (target was 20:30 for this race) but at about the 1 mile mark I felt my left shoe slipping and knew my laces came untied.
This was my first race as a member of Team-ER and I hope I did my new squad proud. I received a few compliments on the racing singlet (people loved the colors).
One note, I used a Boom Nutrition gel 30 minutes before the race. This is my first experience with their product (I used to use a competitor but have to commit to those committed to you) and the product rocks. Great taste, all natural, and I felt it kick in right about the starting gun. Great job, great product, I am now hooked.
Great New Year’s Eve 5K
Stow, Ohio
Josh Ritchie
Finish Time: 19:59
Overall Place: 6/413
Division Place: 1/18
Roy Miller
Finish Time: 23:40
Overall Place: 45/413
Division Place: 5/18
Scott Orlando
Finish Time: 24:17
Overall Place: 55/413
Division Place: 5/20
Gretchen Snyder
Finish Time: 24:45
Overall Place: 61/413
Division Place: 3/24
Loretta Harland
Finish Time: 29:01
Overall Place: 168/413
Division Place: 5/16
Jerry Lynch
Finish Time: 30:16
Overall Place: 198/413
Division Place: 17/23
Race recap by Scott Orlando
The Great New Year’s Eve 5K has become an annual tradition for several Team ER members. This year we saw the the largest turnout of team members at any single race of the season with 6 members competing and another team member helping to run the event. Like most years the weather was the greatest challenge for runners. Instead of the usual bone chilling temperatures and fierce wind chills, this year runners battled heavy rains and strong winds. 413 runners braved to tough conditions to compete. Weather aside this 5K course is one of the most challenging that I face all year. If you aren’t pushing hard up one of the many hills and inclined sections you are running straight into strong headwinds. There is never a time that this courses doesn’t challenge you mentally and physically. It was fantastic to see so many team members compete in this last race of the year. Josh Ritchie had an outstanding run finishing 6th overall and winning his age division. Gretchen Snyder also had an impressive run earning 3rd place in her division. Summit Athletic Runners Club along with the help of Ritchie’s Sporting Goods and North Coast Multisports did an excellent job managing the race.
Frosty 5 Miler
Hudson, Ohio
Mike Williams
Finish Time: 41:15
Overall Place: 187/782
Division Place: 18/45
Steve Zenar
Finish Time: 42:25
Overall Place: 217/782
Division Place: 22/48
Roy Miller
Finish Time: 38:33
Overall Place: 125/782
Division Place: 17/43
Santa Shuffle 5K
New Bremen, Ohio
Steve Zenar
Finish Time: 24:46
Overall Place: 21st
Division Place: 2nd