Loretta Harland
Shamrock 5K
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Finish Time: 25:49
Finish Place: 2nd place in age division
Overall Finish: 50/180
Northeast Ohio Multi-Sport Team
Loretta Harland
Shamrock 5K
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Finish Time: 25:49
Finish Place: 2nd place in age division
Overall Finish: 50/180
Ken Frankenbery
2018 Road Apple Roubaix
Garrettsville, OH
42 Mile Bike Race
Finish Time: 2:52:00
Finish Place: 33rd
Race Review By Ken Frankenbery
I had a dozen good reasons not to go. 7 inches of snow on Friday, 20-degree temps with high winds for race time Saturday morning would mean bone chilling temps with icy snow-covered roads & mud-soaked trails. My friends who were going to meet me there wisely canceled, leaving me to drive out alone and my fitness was questionable after 9 months rehabbing a torn hamstring.
But I had a few good reasons that over took those, first was a brand-new Trek Madone which was the perfect bike for the race sitting in my garage that I was dying to ride, rehab had been going good on my hamstring and felt it was ready for a test. Lining up for the mass start, feeling those pre-race butterflies- I knew I made the right move.
This ride has been on my radar for years. 42 miles of back roads, gravel roads, dirt trails, bike paths and steep hills made for a challenging course. Add in Amish buggies, black ice, deep snow on unplowed bikes paths and it was a real test. Serious racers on race bikes, mountain bikers on mountain bikes, fat tire bikes & casual riders on hybrid bikes just out to see if they could make it.
The start was a mass start right in downtown Garrettsville, with a police escort out of town. It then headed North through Parkman, with a turnaround in Middle field. I started near the front, but right from the start riders started to attack and go full out. We were heading up a slight hill going over 20 mph. The top riders pulled away, leaving small packs of riders trying to find someone to block the strong headwinds. I worked with a small group with a really strong woman on a mountain bike, passed a few people, got passed by a few and was pushing it hard. As we turned down the first gravel road, it was super rough. There were multiple riders on either side of the road with flat tires- it was that deep gravel that sucks the life out of you. We then hit some dirt roads with snow piles/ ice patches, and in the sunny area’s muck & mud. Heading into Parkman, it was back on paved roads, with Amish buggies. Passed a few (horses were unaffected), and a few were really hauling, had to push close to 20 mph to pass them. Back on the dirt roads, Amish kids were lining the roads watching. Saw several homes with Women out putting all their clothes on laundry lines. Will clothes dry in the wind at 25 degrees’??.
I had planned to do the ride non stop, had 2 water bottles with enough calories mixed in and I was hoping I could cover the 42 miles in under 2 & ½ hours. But the deep mud, heavy gravel, and super steep hills made me reevaluate when I was only averaging 14 mph.
They had an aid station at mile 26, so I made a quick stop for water. Aid workers were great, grabbed my water bottles and filled them. I pulled out in no time, trying to stuff a choc chip cookie in my mouth (I know it’s out of character but it looked good-and needed the calories!).
The pack I was with had broken up, so it was solo for the second half. I knew the monster climb was at mile 32, and I was hoping the cookie would be fully digested by then. The climb was tough, they had people along it cheering, and a mini aid station with shots of booze. Needless to say, I didn’t stop, but I saw people there who looked like they were happy to hang there for a while.
The final 5 miles was on a dirt bike trail that the warming sun had turned to muck. I drafted a guy, not carrying I was getting covered with the mud thrown off by his back wheel, I was in the total survival mode
I finished in 2:52, good for 33 place. The winner averaged 18.8 for a time of 2:12. Wow- that’s fast. I skipped the post-race festivities but drove home feeling great.
Dirty Love 10K Trail Run
Willoughby, OH
Finish time: 100:23
Age division: 3rd place
Overall: 59/216
Frostbite 5K Prediction Race
Munroe Falls, OH
Cody Stockert
Predicted time 26:30
Actual finish time 23:08
Prediction finish 93/105
2nd overall fastest female finish time
10th overall fastest finish time
Scott Orlando
Predicted time 23:50
Actual finish time 24:00
Prediction finish 14/105
15th overall fastest finish time
Race Review
This was my 4th time competing in the Summit Athletic Runners Club annual Frostbite 5K Prediction Race. Once again the race lived up to it’s namesake with temperatures hovering in single digits. This year’s race saw a little over 100 runners braving the cold as they tried to predict their finish time of the 2 lap course around Munroe Falls Park. Although it was cold, race conditions weren’t that bad. The road was mostly clear of ice and snow except for a few spots and the wind was manageable making for a nice scenic run around the lake. The calf injury I have been dealing with kept me from really pushing my pace. My left calf tightened up late in the first mile and I wasn’t sure if I would even finish. Luckily it held and I was able to complete the course. Cody attacked the course from the first hill and never looked back. Although she was no where close to her prediction she ran a really great 5K time being the 2nd female and 10th overall to cross the finish. Sometimes it’s better to be fast than predictable. In the past I have been a little critical of this race but I must say that Summit Athletic Runners Club really did an outstanding job this year! Each participant received a 1/4 tech shirt and a finisher medal. There were more than enough prizes so everyone received one. Ritchie’s Sporting Goods donated gift cards for the top 10 predicted time winners. SARC did a great job tallying the results and presenting the awards quickly and accurately. Well done SARC!
Mike Williams
Dirty Snowflake Prediction Run
Peninsula, OH
Finish Time 38:18
Finish Place 2nd in age division
Finish Place Overall 36th
Great New Year’s Eve 5K
Stow, Ohio
Jerry Lynch
Finish time: 27:07
64th overall
6th in age division
Roy Miller
Finish time: 24:49
36th overall
2nd in age division
Mike Williams
Cuyahoga Fall, Ohio
Finish Time : 24:21.3
3rd Place Age Division
30th Overall
Scott Orlando
Canton Charge 5K
Canton, Ohio
1st place age division
29th out of 533 overall
Finish time 23:24
Canton Charge 5K Race Review.
This was my second time competing in the Canton Charge 5K. This is an unusual race as it starts and finishes indoors at the Canton Civic Center. The race conditions were less than ideal. Outside temperatures were in the brisk teens and their were heavy winds making this challenging course even tougher. After leaving the Civic Center runners are quickly welcomed by a long steady incline for most of the first mile. The course then turns onto a brick side street in the second mile which features the largest hill on the course. Runners then make their way through several other brick side streets before returning to the main road. The brick roads are hard on the feet and ankles so many runners opted for the sidewalks that made a smoother run. The course returns to the main street for a flat fast finish. Runners were greeted at the finish line with high fives by the Canton Charge Mascot and members of the Canton Charge Dance Team who presented finisher medals. I have to say that this was probably my slowest 5K and most challenging of the year. Even though the race field was much larger than last year and I ran slower, I still managed to win my age division. All runners received long sleeve tech shirts, custom finisher medals, Canton Charge ticket vouchers, and a post race party that included Michelob Ultra, pizza, and lots of other snacks. A new feature to this year’s race was the 0.0 race. The 0.0 race provided an opportunity for non runners and walkers to participate. Run Canton, who organized the race, yet again did an amazing job. They offer fantastic events with great race swag. Every race they organized this year grew in participation from the previous year. All of their events are worth checking out!
Bowman Cup 5K
Kent, Ohio
Gretchen Snyder
3rd place overall female alumni
2nd place age group
51st overall
Course PR
Finish time 23:10
Scott Orlando
4th place age group
39th overall
Course PR
Finish time 21:53
Race Review by Scott Orlando
The Bowman Cup 5K race is part of Kent State’s homecoming celebration weekend. The race is in its 17th year. This was the first year out of 6 that I have participated where the weather was actually decent for running. Race time temperatures hovered in the low 60’s with just a slight breeze. The course continues to be the same as in years past and features a fast flat first mile followed by some sneaky slight incline in the second and third mile. You can’t really see much of the incline, but runners can certainly feel it grinding away on their legs in the final two thirds of the race. This year a lot of runners achieved course records do to the unusually nice running conditions. The course field was relatively small compared to most years. typically this race draws 500 – 600 participants, but this year dipped down to around 300 runners and walkers. I think the drop in participation has to do with the number of new races offered the same weekend. In the past runners received tech shirts, football tickets, and some sponsor promotional items. This year runners received basic t-shirts and a race bib. The race swag and value of this race needs to improve to compete with the increased competition of the new races on the schedule. Overall it continues to be a nice well organized event.
Scott Orlando
Run Now Wine Later 4.5 Mile Run
Gervasi Vineyard Canton, Ohio
12th overall
6th male
1st in age group
Finish time: 34:00
Another great race by the fine people at Run Canton. This year’s race doubled in size from last year with over 1100 registered and sold out fast. This was my first real race back from calf injury and my goal was to just finish with no re-injury and average around an 8:00 minute mile. The race conditions were perfect in the low 60’s with a very slight breeze. I was shocked early in the race to find myself in the lead pack with such a large field. I wasn’t really focused on pace or speed as I was just happy to be running again. My first mile was faster than I had thought it would be around 7:18. I slowed down a little in the second mile which had some rolling hills and then picked up my pace for the last third of the race. I was surprised that I averaged 7:33 mile pace and finished 1st in my age group for the second year in a row. As always with a Run Canton event, racers received great race swag and custom finisher medals. The real draw to this race remains Gervasi and the wine! Register early next year if you want to get in on this great race as I am sure it will sell out fast!