Swim: 1:11:55
Bike 7:18:10
Run 4:40:35
Overall 13:25:26
20th age group
Northeast Ohio Multi-Sport Team
Swim: 1:11:55
Bike 7:18:10
Run 4:40:35
Overall 13:25:26
20th age group
Ironman 70.3 Ohio
Delaware, OH
Time: 05:14:52
Place: 26 AG, 197 OA
Our bikes stayed intact in T1 despite tornados the night before the race with the weather breaking nicely on race day-temps in the mid to high 70’s, dry with some wind. I started the triangle shaped swim course in Delaware Lake (water temp 79 degrees) 48min after the sound of the cannon in wave 13 with expected congestion throughout. The bike course was flat and fast despite many turns with some rollers in the last 10-15 miles on country roads, single lane at times, with the last 1 mile being on a paved bike trail into T2. T2 was on the field in Selby Stadium at Ohio Wesleyan University with the run taking us out on rural streets outside of town, a 2 loop course with rolling hills and some shade along the Olentangy River. A stadium finish on the track back in the stadium made for a great end to my 2nd 70.3 race! As expected for an Ironman event, this was a large race (selling out in the first 48hrs last fall) that was well organized, participant friendly with great support throughout.
There was a strong showing of many in and out of state triathlon teams at this race. Chris Schmauder and I represented Team ER at this inaugural Ironman 70.3 event.
Ran the 5th leg of Burning River. 3:31:42 overall 13:19/M
16.78 miles. Team Crazy Eights finished 26 in coed division
Pittsburgh Triathlon and Adventure Triathlon
Adventure Triathlon 2 mile kayak, 20K bike and 5K run
Finish Time 1:07:33
16th overall
4th in age division
Race Review
This was my first time competing in the Pittsburgh Triathlon. I have stayed away from this race in the past because of the price. The race course is centered around Pittsburgh’s beautiful Point Park. The water leg of the race was cancelled due to unsafe sewage levels in the river. This year’s race was turned into a duathlon. The bike leg was mostly on the HOV lanes of the highway around the city on an out and back course. The first 6 miles of the bike course are a low grade steady incline. Once you hit the turnaround point it quickly becomes much faster as it’s all downhill back to the transition area. The out and back run course is flat and scenic as it follows a paved trail along Point Park and the river front. The entire race course provides nice scenic views of the rivers and downtown attractions and stadiums. The greatest challenge in completing this year’s race was the high temperature and extremely high humidity. Race time temperatures where in the mid 80’s with high humidity making it feel like the mid 90’s. Even though this race was expensive there was a lot of added value. The race organizers offered a free reception with drinks and outstanding food the night before the race. Every participant received a very nice high quality tech shirt, finisher medal, and draw string bag filled with samples from vendors and sponsors. Free live participant tracking was available. There was a nice vendor expo during registration, before, and after the race. Most vendors provided additional product samples and prize raffles. They even offered free medal engraving at participating local Dick’s Sporting Goods stores. If you plan to participate in this race next year register early for the best pricing and take advantage of all that is offered.
South Bend Indiana Xterra, off road Triathlon – 8-6-2016
Race is held at Potato State Park- about 20 miles south of South Bend Indiana.
The swim is in a decent sized lake, but they had a outbreak of blue/ green algae that made water conditions less than ideal. The swim was listed as ½ mile, but believe it was closer to ¾ of a mile. Bike loop was 2 loops on a tight 8-mile single track trail. The run was a 4.2 mile off road loop, with a few small hills
The weather outlook was perfect- low 80’s, Friday I pre rode mountain bike loop with Kurt- it helped to know the trail, passing would be a challenge
Race morning was a perfect day.
My swim was decent. I got behind the main pack, and was able to draft at times, and felt comfortable. I was 43rd out of 103 coming out of the swim, and passed 2 people in transition. I hit the bike hard, most people were good about moving when you caught them and so I passed close to 20 people. As I hit the run, I felt really strong and passed 7 people to finish first in my class and 16th overall
This was my last race before National Championships in Utah in mid-September- so feeling like everything is coming together.
Sunday July 24, 2016 – HFP: The Great Buckeye Challenge at Buck Creek State Park
I raced my first Olympic distance Tri for 2016 at Buck Creek State Park on Sunday. I only have two words to describe this race 1) HOT! 2) Humbling
The race location and management of the event were wonderful. The swim was a single lap course running along the shore of the lake. The water was calm which led to me having a strong swim time and race position coming out of the water. The bike course was also a single lap course winding through some beautiful countryside roads. The course had a large amount of gentle rollers with some pretty nice elevation / climb built in. This was a nice challenge but as I have mainly been riding and training on flats this course did get the heart rate up a couple of times – the bike also went well for me and transitioning to the run I was feeling pretty good even with the higher heat and humidity. The run was a nice relatively flat course along a paved bike and hike trail and was an out an back single loop with some nice views to take in. Unfortunately by this time the weather had become quite unbearable and the race course was not forgiving as there was zero shade. Although I had a strong swim and bike performance for the first time since I have started racing triathlons as I transitioned into the run I was quickly humbled as I started feeling very weak around mile 1 and by the time I hit mile 2 I got my first experience of “The Bonk”. Try as I might I couldn’t get my body to cooperate with my mind after this point in the run. By Mile 4 things only got worse as I attempted to increase back up to a run from a walk / jog strategy at which point my right quad completely cramped up and brought me to a limping walk. Fortunately around mile 5 I was finally able to get back to a slow jog and end my misery crossing the finish line with a 1hr and 15min 10K (OUCH!). Even though I was extremely frustrated and disappointed at what had happened I was at least able to place 8th out of 12 in my age group and 60th out of 110 overall – I can honestly say I have never seen so many racers walking on a course and it was great seeing them encouraging each other to just make it to the finish line (Also major kuddos to the other course workers who were all working to keep everyone positive and moving forward to the finish). After finishing up my race I sat down to cool off and have a snack. Just as I was beginning to sit the first Half Distance racers were coming in from the bike and the announcement was made that their run would be cut from a Half Marathon to a 10K due to the heat – my heart went out to these guys / gals as I know how frustrating that must have been for them. Quite a day; and a learning experience, but I was happy just to have finished and enjoy the race course – not every day can be your best day. I would recommend this race venue to anyone looking for something down around the Columbus area; however, I would hope that the weather would be cooler the next time around 🙂
Next up is the Rev3 Half Aquabike at Cedar Point in September!
…..Unless another race falls into the schedule somehow 😊
Fairport Harbor Lighthouse Triathlon July 17th 2016
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
2K kayak, 20K bike, 5K run.
1st place overall kayak relay team.
Finish time: 1:22:16
The Fairport Harbor Lighthouse Triathlon is one of my favorites. Fairport Harbor Beach is a beautiful setting for a race and the course is fast and flat. I usually compete as an individual in the kayak division of this race but because I raced solo the day before I enlisted the help of a few Team ER teammates to compete in the relay. I started the race in the 2K kayak. There were clearly a lot less competitors in kayaks this year probably due to the 2 other adventure triathlons being held the same weekend. The water was calm with little wind. From the turn to the first buoy 4 boats separated from the pack. We left the rest of the field well behind. I was 4th out of the water behind the overall winner, the 3rd place overall winner, and another relay team kayak. I beat my kayak split time from last year by a few seconds. Stacy Rhea took over in the bike leg. Other than a small hill at the start, the course is fairly flat. Stacy rocked the 20K bike course in 36:30 making up a lot of ground on the relay team in front of us. Gretchen Schnee Snyder anchored the running leg. Gretchen battled the rising humidity and intense sun to pass the leading relay team runner and bring home the victory for Team ER. Lake Metro Parks always puts on a great event. They did however manage to miscalculate the number of awards needed for the race. We will be receiving our 1st play kayak relay team awards in the mail.
Headwaters Adventure Triathlon July 16th 2016
Mantua, Ohio
2 mile run, 10 mile bike, 5 mile kayak.
8th overall and 2nd in age division.
Finish time: 1:53:54
The Portage Park District resurrected one of the area’s best adventure triathlons. The race was not held last year due to lack of volunteers to organize the race. The race starts with an out and back 2 mile flat trail run. Unfortunately the turnaround point was not marked or monitored. At 2.2 miles or so down the trail the leading group of runners realized this and created their own turnaround point. In a show of good sportsmanship the majority of the runners went to the same spot established by the lead runners before turning. The run ended up being 2.4 – 2.5 miles. The bike leg of this race is through the rolling hills of Hiram and Mantua. The bike course ends at Camp Hi in Hiram for the kayak leg of the race. The water was low and slow in the Cuyahoga River. I spent the first 2 miles really paddling hard with little efficiency. It wasn’t until a few boats passed me that I realized my rudder was hitting a lot of seaweed creating enormous drag. I pulled my rudder out of the water and it felt like an anchor was removed! I quickly got by the few boats that had previously passed me and gained on the boats in front of me. I believe had I not used my rudder in the first 2 miles I would have finished 5th overall. The race was well organized. Nice tech shirts were provided to all participants. This race has a few things to tweak for next year but for the first year back it was well organized and had great participation.
Andrea Rose Teodorosa Memorial 5 K- 7-7-2016
This is one of the best run 5k’s in the area- always attracts top runners. A flat course through downtown Akron, lots of volunteers and raises funds for a good cause.
The weather was warm and humid even at 8am when the gun went off. I started strong and really pushed hard the whole race. The lead pack pulled out of sight on the first mile- the top 3 runners finished in under 17 minutes the top 15 all under 19.
I had several runners pushing me at the finish- so sprinted hard the last ¼ mile, which put me 29th overall just missing breaking 20 minutes with a 20:01. The sprint at end helped me win my age group, second place was 4 seconds back
With the towpath trail right at the finish- I headed to my car right after the race to grab my bike and ride home- a great workout!
Miltonman Olympic Tri 7/10/16 Finished 14th OA, 3rd in AG.