2014 Indoor Tri at Life Center Plus

Only in our second year the event was a sell out! Thanks to all the team members who helped make it run so smoothly, we could not have had the success we did without you.  Another huge shout-out to the sponsors  for the wonderful raffle gifts. Eddy`s Bike, Ritchie`s Sporting  Goods, Life Center Plus, North Coast Multisport,  Doctors of Optometry, FreshStart Diner,  Toth Buick, Gavin Scott Salon and a Life Center members Avon gift basket! Over 25 racers  received raffle prizes.  Thanks to Hammer products for the swag bags and Heed nutrition drink. EarthFare was also there with nutrition for the athletes.

Below is a sample of the many positive comments we received…..

Team ER: “Thank you for a well run and fun indoor triathlon.  Everyone was so helpful and provided great support.   What an excellent event to train for during the winter months”.


Go to the home page and click on view photos from March 2014 Indoor Tri, to see some of the action.

Plans are already underway for  next years event!

2014 Indoor Tri at Life Center Plus

Only in our second year the event was a sell out! Thanks to all the team members who helped make it run so smoothly, we could not have had the success we did without you.  Another huge shout-out to the sponsors  for the wonderful raffle gifts. Eddy`s Bike, Ritchie`s Sporting  Goods, Life Center Plus, North Coast Multisport,  Doctors of Optometry, FreshStart Diner,  Toth Buick, Gavin Scott Salon and a Life Center members Avon gift basket! Over 25 racers  received raffle prizes.  Thanks to Hammer products for the swag bags and Heed nutrition drink. EarthFare was also there with nutrition for the athletes.

Below is a sample of the many positive comments we received…..

Team ER: “Thank you for a well run and fun indoor triathlon.  Everyone was so helpful and provided great support.   What an excellent event to train for during the winter months”.


Go to the home page and click on view photos from March 2014 Indoor Tri, to see some of the action.

Plans are already underway for  next years event!


Cassie`s goal  of  honoring  our military and promoting fitness to benefit our local veterans was evident by the great turnout on February 23. Thanks to Sue and Jerry Lynch of Life Center Plus for hosting the event and Team ER members and supporters for their donations.  Our  teams title sponsor Apple Growth  Partners along with Chris Brown, Ashley, Megan, Jim, Paul D,  and Henry  were there to lend support.


ROXANNE  braved the February cold to support the RONALD McDONALD HOUSE of AKRON and CAMP QUALITY of Ohio  by joining 900 other as they jumped into the freezing waters of  the Portage Lakes.  Over $100,000 was donated from this event.    See picture in the 2014 photo section

KEN FRANKENBERY Florida Duathlon

12-8-2013 Croom, Off Road Duathlon  Brooksville,  Florida

 (10 mile bike/ 7  mile run /13 mile bike)

Race weekend started off  a  little rocky. Saturday after a short pre ride on course I was  putting my bike in the car and snapped off my front brake lever!. There is one small bike shop in town,  run by a  great husband & wife team.   When I walked in the wife said Mark was off today.  I explained what happened, and she quickly made a call to her husband.  Long story short, he did not have parts in stock, so he took the brake assembly off another bike to fix mine.


Sunday the  race started on a dirt road, a mass start with 100+ bikes heading 2 miles down the road to the single track.  It’s a trail I ride often, very tight. I knew a good start would be critical so  I started in the front. The lead pack was about 10 riders,  we hit 45+ down the road in single file. I hung in about 7th,  as we hit the  single track I was feeling good. I had 2- 3 people pass me, but I knew many were  doing the shorter sprint distance.  I felt I could gain ground on the others in transition after  hearing people talking,  (one guy had running shorts to change into!), and others had no camelback or water on their bikes.  I knew they would be taking time to hydrate (I had everything on my bike I needed) so tried not to get unnerved.


 I passed several riders there in transition 1. As we started the run down a sandy dirt road, I could see 5-6 people and enough shoe marks that there were maybe a few out of sight. After  the turnoff for the sprint, I looked down and saw only 2 pair of prints in the sand. There was an aid worked there, I asked how many in front of me. She said 1!! (other tracks were hers)

I was feeling great and as we hit the hiking trails, I was clicking off 7 minute miles.  On a long up hill I could see the leader. I was closing in on him. On  another long uphill he slowed to look back. That was all I needed it, showed me he was hurting so I poured it on.  As I approached an open area with a water  stop, I was on him. We both grabbed water without stopping. He became  distracted and started to run to the left (bike trail) and I  focused on trail marking which were  to the right (hiking trail). I yelled, he kept going. I stopped, yelled again  he looked back and suddenly realized what he had done. I took off hearing him  yell thanks several times!  I put everything I had into the run, trying to discourage him from  hanging with me. The trail became very technical, logs, tight and twisty , which helped because I was sure he could not see me, which was a plus. I was in and out with a quick transition 2 .  As I headed down the trail I saw him. With less than a minute ahead I  hoped his transition would not be as fast.

I hammered the second bike for all I had. The main thing that kept going through my head was being able to take the overall trophy back to the local bike shop and give it to them, as a thanks for going above and beyond with fixing my bike!

I took the win by a few minutes. Second place was very gracious and thanked me for not letting him do an  extra 3 mile run(  he went off course last year! ). During the trophy presentation I could see the look on a lot of younger racers faces when they realized how old I was !!  It was a moment in time I will savor forever



   Great turn out for the team get together last Sunday Dec. 8th.  See the ER home page for a pic of the team in attendance. Not pictured was Mike who stopped by after his daughters soccer game and picked up a sponsor award for Apple Growth.  It was also good to see Chris Brown from Marketing Resources, Amanda from Life Center, and  Mickey,  North Coast Multisport,  A special thank you to Jerry and Sue Lynch for their support and use of Life Center.
 Awards were given out to…  Alex,  Most Improved….  Comeback from Injury, Steve…… High Running Miles, Ray…..Jimmy, Leadville 100….. Cassie, RAAM and Calvins Challenge…..Wally, Calvins Challenge…..Henry and Jason, Age Group Nationals…..
Award given to display at  Eddy`s with Mark, Brenda and Chris Schmauder name recognizing their Ironman races.
Award given to display at Ritchie`s with Ken, Paul Lenz, Ray, Jerry, and Brenda`s name recognizing their marathon races.
The top five points earners for the year received items from Eddy`s, Fresh Start, Ritchie`s and Life Center.
Thanks to Paul Dowd we raffled off a nice pair of sun glasses with multiple lenses…with Jason being the winner!
As everyone enjoyed their lunch, I recognized all our sponsors and thanked them for their support. ( they all received thank you plaques)
