Louisville Ironman!
Got into Louisville on Thursday and went for an easy run. Found out that 90 degree heat is pretty oppressive but still felt good. Friday I started with an easy 20 ride and was feeling confident and fast. I got in touch with Mark about meeting up for the pre race swim on Saturday and found out we were staying in the same hotel. Apparently that was the hotel for Clevelanders with many of us staying there. Saturday swim came and forgot my goggles, luckily one of those nice Clevelanders could spare an extra. Mark and I went out for an easy 15 min swim then talked about race strategy.
Race day.
Got to transition early, got stuff set up and left for the swim start. Apparently I showed up late to the start line and fclt like I had to walk a half mile to my place in line. 6:50, pro cannon goes off, 7:00 amateur cannon and the line starts moving. Right around 7:30 in tell Beth and my mom I’ll see them later and jog down to the docks and jump in, thus starting my day. I felt strong in the swim but being in the back of the line hurt since I had to swim over a lot of people. I follow Mark’s and my plan to get out from shore a little to catch more current after the turn. 67 min later I run out of the water and grab my bag. Decent time considering no wetsuit and getting slowed by other swimmers. I put on my bike gear outside of the tent since it was packed. I run through transition, grab the bike and go. While starting the ride I kept thinking about what Mark said, spin on the hills and stay relaxed on the rest of the course. I stick to this plan and stay within myself and still fly by many riders. We start hitting the more major hills and I spin easy like Mark said. Sure enough, loads of energy saved and watched many other rides fall apart after the hill while I went flying down the road. Sticking to my plan of drinking about 2 bottles of fluid per hour I feel great. Little did I know the tri gods had a challenge up their sleeve for me. Mile 75, drop a chain going up a small hill and bend the chain. I begin to panic a bit because I have been feeling great on the bike. I try getting the chain back on and fixed. I begin to ride a bit and drop the chain again. This time the chain and bike fights back. The bike slips and I cut my leg and hand on my crank. Still panicking a bit I get the chain back on and ride. Every pedal stroke the chain slips a bit. Fortunately the tri gods had enough fun with me and a tech guy was only another half mile down the road. Just when I thought it would be a long last 40 miles back I had some relief. Tech support replaced the chain and I was back on the road. What felt like an hour was about 10-15 min. I could tell I was panicking to make up time as I saw my heart rate climb. Fortunately I relaxed about 10 miles down the road and got settled in. Finished the bike in just under 6 hours but knew it would have been better if not for an unfortunate mechanical. Thanks, to Marks race strategy talk and staying calm I get off the bike feeling awesome and very fresh. I toss on my run shoes and get on my way. I didn’t think my legs could feel that good after that ride but I started running awesome. All I can think is how good this run will be. Then the heat caught up with me at mile 3. Shortly after seeing Lisa on course I had to begin walking. The heat started giving me a headache and sickness to my stomach. I thought I could keep running but if did I may get so sick I couldn’t finish so the walk, jog started. I attempted to do everything I could to keep cool with sponges, water, ice, you name it, but with little help. Finally I start to cool off a bit shortly before the turn and I begin running well again. I make the turn running well and see my support crew there cheering me on. I kept running for a bit more before the stomach issues came back so the walk and jog continued. Finally, I see the 25 mile mark and tell myself to try and run this last mile no matter what. Despite a bunch of pain, sickness, and a slight hamstring twitch I make it to the finish area where the crowds were awesome. I can feel the energy and almost go into a full sprint and run over the line knowing I made it through a tough day with a time of 12:15:30.
The days not over.
Tired from the run I grab my finisher swag and sit down. This is when it hits, nausea and shakes, the day has taken its toll. I am taken to the med tent where I was given a bag of fluids which was apparently just what I needed, of course they screwed up the first IV and had to place a second. It jus so happened the nice lady who helped my with goggles on Saturday was on the cot next to me. The day and heat were taking its toll on everyone.
While not happy with my time I still crossed the line. The race is meant to push you to the limits and it did just that. Knowing I have much more, thanks to all the winter bike and run training with Mark, makes me want to get back out there rock the next one.
588 male
658 OV
70 AG
Thanks all,



“Tough course, lots of rolling roads but definitely unique!”

RAY F.         BUEHLER`S ” Heart and Soul” half marathon   time 1:26:55 1st age group 9th overall

“Beautiful weather challenging course”


Craig M.    TALLMADGE  Circle Mile……time 8:51


MIKE W.     VERMILION, LINWOOD PARK  Olympic Tri……4th age group time 2:45:59

SCOTT M.     VERMILION, LINWOOD PARK  Olympic Tri……6th age group time 2:22:09


COLLEEN P.  MACHINE HEAD, West Branch Tri     Olympic 1st age group..time 2:59:46

ALEX K.           MACHINE HEAD, West Branch Tri     Olympic 2nd overall….time 2:21:45

                              Alex proposes to Colleen at finish line, she says YES!   see photos 2013

HENRY H.        MACHINE HEAD,   West Branch Tri     Sprint   3rd age group time of ….1:26:23


JASON H.         OLYMPIC DISTANCE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP, Milwaukee …….   187 out of 211  time 2:38:59

Henry H.             OLYMPIC DISTANCE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP, Milwaukee …….    53rd out of 76  time 2:43:04

see photos 2013


This past weekend I raced Ironman 70.3 Steelhead up in  Michigan. This was my fourth time doing the race, it is one of my favorites
I spent four days with the family relaxing and enjoying a little pre race vacation as we all love the area, the beaches and town of St Joe’s.
Race morning saw near perfect conditions with a 10-15mph north wind.  Most assumed we would start the race at the northern start point vs the usual start at Tuscornia Park.  However, the course was set up as it usually is with a south to north swim.  In a nut-shell, this lead to some very slow times and some chop on the swim.  As I swam I noticed that every bouy had at least one swimmer from earlier waves clinging to them.  My thoughts were that there were some scared people out there in Lake Michigan.
Having spent many a summer surfing down at Cape Hatteras and Rodanthe, I was very comfortable in the water.  Although my swim time was 37:36, a full 8 minutes slower than my fastest swim at Steelhead, I exited the water 8th in my AG out of 120+.  That never happens at the bigger Ironman brand races.
My goal for the bike was to ride at an IF of 82-85%, and then hang on for the run.  I did not taper for this race, basically it was a train through race as I gear up for IMLouisville in three weeks.  The bike went great save one minor mechanical issue at mile 18 where I hit a large pot hole and my add-on gear holder for the Speed Concept 7 popped open.  I tried to get it back on while still riding then thought about my friend Kevin Park who was involved in a serious bike accident the week prior.  Best to pull off the road and fix the problem.  Because of the jarring effect of the pot hole, all the small items shifted to the bottom and I could not close the lid and my Vitorria Pit Stop was spraying all over the place…rather comical.  I finally got everything in order and was back on the road, with about 1.5 minutes of time to take care of the mishap
After 56 miles of riding aero the entire time [huge shout out to JB from Eddy’s Bike Shop for my re-tooled bike fit] I cruised into T2 in 2:25:40, just over 23mph avg.  I rode at an IF of .843, spot on, and a NP of 219 watts, and exited T2 in 3rd place in my AG.
My goal for the run was to not slow down, knowing it would not be my fastest run due to the lack of taper/heavier than usual work load leading up  to race day.  The course is two loops with 3 big hills you need to climb – OUCH!  I broke the run into 4 three mile segments.  Through the first 3 miles I was at a 7:11 pace, slowed a bit miles 4-6 with a 7:16 pace.  It was also at mile 5 where I was caught by my good friend Brian Stern.  He would go on to run a 1:22:11 split, that is crazy fast.  The next 3 mile segment I dropped the pace to 7:11 and the final 3 mile segment a little lower, to 7:10.  A pretty solid and even effort through 12 miles with 1.1 to go.   It was nice running in my new Kinvara 4’s that Josh from Ritchie’s Sporting Goods was able to order for me, shout out to Josh!   In Muncie three weeks prior I ran in my Saucony Fast Twitch flats, right out of the box.  I love those shoes but I made the mistake of ordering the wrong size, 11 vs 11.5.  My toes paid the price for my mistake so it was nice to have my feet wrapped in some comfie shoes.   It was also nice and comfie to see my wife and children so many times on the course.  My son Luke ran part of mile 1 with me, decked out in Team ER gear, ringing his cowbell.  Gotta love the support I get from the best family ever!
In the final mile I managed to catch one athlete from my AG and crossed the finish line [love the beach front finish] in 4:43:33, with a 1:34:11 run split.  A solid days effort and good for a podium spot #3/120+ in my AG, and some Ironman hardware.  There were almost 1600 athletes/pros and relay teams that toed the line race morning and my finish time put me in the top 100,.
Always one of my favorite races, the kids want to go back in 2014.  Before that, I need to get ready for my A race, Ironman Louisville, in less than 3 weeks!


I recently competed at the Fairport Harbor Triathlon on July 28. My race was interrupted by an unfortunate accident between two riders. Having been only 10 yards behind the crash, I was first to respond and aid in the incident. The situation was not good, especially for the one rider that ended up being flown to Akron Hospital with surgeries to put together his jaw. This accident is a sobering reminder to always use the best bike handling practices, whether in a race or training.

Previous to the accident, the day was perfect for a race. I started in the second wave of triathletes and quickly established the lead. I was fortunate to have exited the water first (and believe I posted the fastest time of the day).

After getting through transition I headed out on the bike and felt pretty good. This course is flat and somewhat technical with many turns – one factor I really enjoy. As a swimmer, I tend to be the rabbit for many athletes and equate my performance on how long it takes the “rock stars” to catch me. On this particular day it took Kevin Park 8.3 miles to pass me – so in my book that was pretty good. Unfortunately, right after that is when another rider took a turn too wide and hit Kevin head-on.

Once we were able to get Kevin, his daughters off to the hospital, I rode back to transition with the other accident victim. Upon my return I saw my dad (64) take off for the run (actually he walks because of bad knees). I moved through T2 and caught up with him. It was nice to cross the finish line with my dad.

To say the least this was not a race report I was expecting to write. But it is my understanding Kevin is doing well and has come through some surgeries better than expected. I’m sure his family would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.



Sometimes a race result does not show up in the final results but tells the true magnitude of one`s character. Scott Mazon raced the Fairport Harbor Tri last weekend. He had the fastest swim split of the entire race. A few miles into the bike he was passed by a good friend and incredible racer named Kevin Park.

Within seconds Scott witnessed a head on collision between Kevin and another racer. Scott stopped his race and was the first responder to Kevin who was in very bad shape. Scott stayed with Kevin and the other cyclist until Kevin was taken away by EMS. Scott helped to stabalize Kev who had significant injuries.  He was in a world of hurt and was life-flighted to Akron City Hospital with a broken jaw and compressed vertebrae.

I visited Kevin Monday morning although he probably does not remember. His wife Tracy met me at the CCU where she and Kevs brother could not say enough good things about the Good Samaritan who stopped his race to tend to Kevin. That Good Samaritan would be our very own Scott Mazon. Scott’s actions probably helped save Kevs life. I am so proud to have him on Team ER.  



Did the Life Bank 10 K race Saturday held at Blossom Music Center.

Was shocked when I got there traffic was backed up like there was a Rolling Stones concert ( cars out in the street 4 deep)
They had a 5 K/ 10 K, and a 1 mile fun walk, to support  Life Bank & Organ donation. Must have been 4 thousand + people there ( all arriving at the same time!)
I went by myself, so got a solid warm up running from my car ( parked a mile away) to sign up, back to car to hide keys, and back to start ( 2 minutes before start time)
Race went well, won my age group- and finished 9th overall ( just under 200 doing 10 k- maybe 500 for 5 k) with a 40:39
Next year will ride my bike there ( and get there earlier!)


Wonderful weather for the annual Eddy`s Sweet Corn 50/100 miler starting in Richfield Village. It was great to see Chris Brown, Jerry L., Paul D., Ken F., Henry H., and Julie H. doing the 50 miler, along with  Jason H. and Brenda O. completing the 100 mile route. Adding technical support for all the riders were Jimmy and  his dad “Big” Jim Ruggles.








                                     PAUL L. 3RD AGE GROUP, TIME 2:18:50