The LifeCenter Plus Indoor Triathlon Will Return!
We are in the process of finalizing the details! Check back soon form more race information!
Results Men 2016 LCP Indoor Triathlon
Results Women 2016 LCP Indoor Triathon
Results Men 2015 LCP Indoor Triathlon
Results Women 2015 LCP Indoor Triathon
LifeCenter Plus, 5133 Darrow Road, Hudson, Ohio
20-minute swim, 20-minute bike, 20-minute run
Photos and video below are from the 2014 event:

Women – Overall Champion, Second Place Champion, Third Place Champion
The race consisted of a 20-minute swim, 20-minute bike, and 20-minute run. The venues for each event were: Swim – Pool, Bike – spin room, Run – treadmill or track. Places were determined by cumulative distance covered over each leg.
Awards were given to the top three overall finishers for both individual and teams along with the top 3 finishers in each age group.
We would like to thank LifeCenter Plus for hosting the LCP indoor triathlon and members of Team ER (Eddy’s/Ritchies) and LifeCenter Plus for helping organize and run the event. Special thank you to the sponsors!!
Hammer nutrition will be available in the form of gels and heed sports drink.
Eddy’s Bike Shop
Ritchies Sporting Goods
Will you be holding the indoor triathlon again in 2017? I have really enjoyed this event the past three years and I hope you will do it again. Please advise. Thank you.