2/28/2025 Lisa Keane, Josh Keane, Lynett McClay The Taji 100 Virtual Challenge

Taji Virtual Challenge

Log 100 Miles Of Activity In The Month Of February

Lisa Keane

306.69 Miles Completed

Josh Keane

200.65 Miles Completed

113.75 Miles Completed

Event Recap By Lisa Keane:

I am generally not a fan of virtual events – this one being the exception!
Easy online registration- choose to compete as an individual or join a team. The more the merrier in my opinion!
Taji 100 allows you to log 100 miles (bike / run / walk / swim / hike / row) during the month of February.
As you work towards your goal, you compete against individuals within your team while your team is competing against all of the other teams.
Sign up with friends and log miles together!
Individually, you earn virtual badges – everything from 7 day streak to National Pizza Day!
All participants get a cool LS tech shirt, water bottle, patch, sticker, HUGE finisher medal with 7 interchangeable magnets, and bib.
All proceeds benefit Tram RWB veterans group.
Event Recap By Josh Keane:
When you participate in so many events annually and take time to reflect, it is amazing how many different reasons have have to get out and participate. The Taji 100 is one that is very important to me for multiple reasons. Raising funds to support Team RWB (a veterans charity trying to enrich the lives of veterans through physical and social activities) is a good reason. Honoring and remembering those that served at Camp Taji is another. At the end of the day, one of the best reasons is pushing ourselves to be active and stay motivated as well as disciplined in our efforts to get physically fit. Not to mention the fantastic swag you get for participating and crushing your goals every year! I did not get as many miles as I usually do this year but this is one of the few virtual events that year after year I am more than happy to participate in.
Event Recap By Lynett McClay:
Participating in this virtual event provides motivation to persevere through the challenging winter months. You get to compete with not only yourself but with others. You can run, walk, swim, or bike.This year is no exception. Despite contracting a virus with a 102 temperature and severe cough over the last two days, I completed the final 3 miles by walking. Fortunately, the temperature was not extremely cold that day. This event supports veterans nationwide and includes a complimentary long-sleeve t-shirt, medal, and bib.

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