STEVE ZENAR…..Louisville, KY and Monroe Falls race review

Sunday June 19, 2016 – Louisville, KY “Tri Louisville Sprint”

Tri Louiville took place in downtown Louisville, KY on Fathers day. The event was done extremely well. Not only was the course extremely flat and fast it was also very scenic. The swim took place in the Ohio river and for the sprint was a “reverse” direction through a channel that they start Ironman Louisville in every year. Upon exiting the water, you took a short run and entered a fully closed bike leg that was 4 lanes wide (2 out and 2 back). This course was extremely flat and allowed you to really push in the bike. The course traveled through the downtown core past the river front, museum row (with a special pass along the front of the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory) and then back into transition. For the sprint 2 laps were completed and then on to the run. The run was scenic following along the river front; however, at times the course was a bit difficult to follow so you had to rely pretty heavily on course workers that were very friendly and helpful. Also, as an added bonus there were 3 spots where you had to ascend and descend stairs so this really helped to get the legs nice and warmed up. The post race was really nice – there were beverages and snacks aplenty and they also had free snow cones and face painting for kids (it was fathers day) plus a specialty coffee and breakfast food truck that spectators could purchase from – I helped myself to a coffee post race and must say it was excellent!

I had a lot of fun, especially with my wife and boys on course and finished 32nd of 175 overall and 6th of 15 in my age group (35-39). I would reccomend this race to anyone looking for a new venue and will likely return to race the Sprint or Olympic in the future.

Sunday June 26, 2016 – Champ Racing “Munroe Falls Tri”

This was my 3rd race weekend in a row (after GWRT and Tri Louisville) and although I improved my finish time slightly from last year I was struggling to find any reserves in the tank to really hammer down. My age group had some impressive finish times this year which was great to see but that resulted in me struggling to finish in the top 3 (my original goal for this race after a 4th place finish by 4 seconds last year).

Came in 6th of 15 in my age group (35-39)…. Hey – this is the same as the race last weekend? What are the chance of that!!!